LL-L "Etymology" 2003.05.13 (16) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 22:17:23 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 13.MAY.2003 (16) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
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From: Ruud Harmsen <rh at rudhar.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2003.05.13 (13) [D/E/LS]]
Mathieu. van Woerkom <Mathieu.vanWoerkom at student.kun.nl>:
>Vandaag ontving ik de volgende vraag via de email:
>"kunnen jullie mij de letterlijke vertaling van het twentse woord
>"onmeunig" vertellen?
Ruud Harmsen <rh at rudhar.com
> Figuurlijk betekent het "ontzettend, heel erg, geweldig", toch? Maar
> dat wist je al, waarschijnlijk.
Ron Hahn:
>Ne, *ik* wüs dat *nich*, un dat verbaast mi 'n beten. Da kümt daar
>wen 'n 'n wourd aan tousamenhang höyrt.
Perhaps I'm simply wrong, that is entirely possible, because all I
know about one dialect (Achterhoeks, or Graafschaps?) of the
language is from living in Zevenaar for some years (which is
linguistically Franconian, not Saxon, I believe), and from there
sometimes listening to people more to the east (Beek, Didam,
Doetinchem, Zeddam, Eibergen etc.). I believe I heard the expression
in that sense. And what's more important, my wife confirms it. See
isn't a native speaker, being born (like me) in the West of the
Netherlands, from parents from that area too, but she lived in
Lichtenvoorde (Achterhoek) between the age of about 3 to 19 (in my
case, that was like 12 to 19), so maybe she could be called a native
listener, though not a fully native speaker, being raised, at home,
in Dutch.
Looking for web evidence of the word in the sense I mentioned, I
found this from Vragender (Achterhoek) (the spelling is "unmundig"
here, two occurrences):
This Gijs Jolink may be related to Bennie Jolink, of the band "Normaal"?
I'm not sure if "unmundig" is used in the sense I mentioned here,
because I have difficulty understanding the text; I hope the native
speakers can decipher it; it seems to be a kind of mixture of Low
Saxon and standard Dutch):
Also spelt "unmundig" here:
With spelling önmöndig:
This seems to be a dialect from Germany? But it is the same sense of
the word, if I understand it correctly.
http://home.t-online.de/home/ernst.heien/ reveals it is from Xanten,
which is in Germany, but quite near the Dutch regions I was talking
about. More to the south than where Ron comes from.
With spelling unmunnig:
Oldenburg? That's much more to the North, in Germany. Same sense?
I more or less expected occurrences from Groningen and Drenthe too.
Maybe it's spelt differently there, in a way I didn't try in my
Google searches yet?
Ruud Harmsen http://rudhar.com/index/whatsnew.htm 11 May 2003
From: Ruud Harmsen <rh at rudhar.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2003.05.13 (13) [D/E/LS]]
Ron Hahn:
>Ruud (baven/above):
>> Figuurlijk betekent het "ontzettend, heel erg, geweldig", toch? Maar
>> dat wist je al, waarschijnlijk.
>Ne, *ik* wüs dat *nich*, un dat verbaast mi 'n beten. Da kümt daar
>wen 'n 'n wourd aan tousamenhang höyrt.
Van Willem Wilmink, bekende Nederlandse dichter, maar met Twentse
24 gedichtn in t stadsplat
Eanske is onmeunig mooi.
Eanske is onmeunig mooi.
'Joa, oons oalde Eanske,' zeg mien moo,
'is hoast net zoo mooi as Almelo:
Eanske is onmeunig mooi.'
This means "Enschede is ontzettend (heel erg) mooi", if I'm not
More hits with spelling "unmeunig":
en nog veel meer zulke vindplaatsen.
Ruud Harmsen http://rudhar.com/index/whatsnew.htm 11 May 2003
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