LL-L "Resources" 2003.05.14 (08) [E]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 22:49:29 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 14.MAY.2003 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: GaidhealdeAlba at aol.com
Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2003.05.14 (02) [E]

A few comments, Colin:

Thanks very much for clearing that up. I honestly had no idea that the
BBC was publically funded. Whoops! Kind of obvious, I guess.

Secondly, if there is a large audience, couldn't it be possible to
create an independent Scots television or radio station, one publically
funded? I've no way to know myself, so please enlighten me.

As for the word independence, what would you call a possible secession?

Leis gach beannachd,
Uilleam Stiùbhart


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources


> As for the word independence, what would you call a possible secession?

I'm wondering if it would have to be technically a "secession" if there
were restoration of complete autonomy, or self-determination.  But then
again, what would *I* know?  What is it the people of Scotland want?

> Leis gach beannachd,
Gurab amhlaidh duit.
Mar sin leibh an dràsda!
Lang may your lum reek!
'n Gouden wind in joun sayls!



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