LL-L "Morphology" 2003.11.05 (09) [E]
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Thu Nov 6 01:09:02 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 05.NOV.2003 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Tom Maguire <jmaguire at pie.xtec.es>
Subject: LL-L "Morphology" 2003.11.05 (01) [E]
> From: sam claire <samclaire at mybluelight.com>
> Tom: Did some quick research on "modals" and found that they are to be
> in Teutonics as well as others. Like I said before this is probably a
> subject that is worth looking into by the psycholinguists. Sam
Hello again Sam,
That hunch of yours couldn't be righter. There's a branch of psychology
called Nlp and it has some interesting things to say on modals. One of
the most attractive is the commentary on SHOULD.
SHOULD is possibly the most damaging word in the English vocabulary. It
implies the other person was wrong, is wrong, or is going to be wrong.
What we need is more choice in our lives, the choice offered by
replacing all SHOULDS with COULD.
A nifty way to change Obligation into Possibility just by switching the
From: Holger Weigelt <platt at holger-weigelt.de>
Subject: "Morphology"
Hello Sam and all !
In addition to Ron's list of Lowlands Saxon here the same words in their
Eastern Friesland Low Saxon appearance:
> Inf.: dörven - könen - möten - mögen - schölen - willen
Inf.: düren - köönen - mauten - möögen - sğöölen / söölen - willen
> Present:
> 1st sg.: dörv - kan - mut - mag - schal - wil
EFLS 1st sg.: düür - kan - maut - mağ - sğal / sal - wil
> 2nd sg.: dörvst - kanst - mu(t)st - magst - scha(l)st - wult
EFLS 2nd sg.: dürst - kāst - must - mağst - sğa(l)st / sa(l)st
> 3rd sg.: dörv - kan - mutt - mag - schal - wil
EFLS 3rd sg.: dürt - kan - maut - mağ - sğal / sal - wil
> pl.: dörvt~dörven - köönt~könen - möött~möten -
möögt~mögen -
> schöölt~schölen - wült~willen
EFLS pl.: düürent (locally also: düüren / düürt) - köönent (köönen / köönt /
kööt) - mautent (mauten / maut't) - mööğent (mööğen / mööğt) - sğöölent /
söölent - willent
> Preterite:
> 1st sg.: dörv - kun - müss - much - schul - wul
EFLS 1st sg.: düer - kun - mus - muğ - sğul / sul - wul
> 2nd sg.: dörvst - kunst - müst - muchst - schu(l)st - wulst
EFLS 2nd sg.: düerst - kuest - must - muğst - sğulst / sulst - wulst
> 3rd sg.: dörv - kun - müss - much - schul - wul
EFLS 3rd sg.: düer - kun - mus - muğ - sğul / sul - wul
> pl.: dörven - kunnen - müssen - muchen - schullen - wullen
EFLS pl.: düersent - kunnent - mussent - muğğent - sğullent / sullent
> Past Part.:
> dörvd - kund - müssd - muchd - schuld - wuld
EFLS Past Part.: dürt - kunt - must - muğt - sğult / sult - wult
> The above are defective only in that their imperative forms, though
> theoretically possible (*dörv(t)! - *köön(t)! - *mööt(t)! - *möög(t)! -
> *schööl(t)! - *wil(t)!), are not used.
Don't other Low Saxon varieties distinguish between sg. and pl. imperatives
EFLS düer - düert ; köön - köö(n)t; maut - maut't; mağ / mööğ - mööğt, sğööl
/ sööl / sğal / sal; wil - wult ? However: imperatives for düüren, köönen
mauten etc. are a mere theoretical thing because they sound quite strange in
real speech.
From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Morphology
Triggered by Holger above, here is some fine-tuning of the data I provided
earlier for North Saxon varieties (not including those with East Frisian
> Inf.: dörven - könen - möten - mögen - schölen - willen
dörven ~ dröven - könen - möten - mögen - schölen ~ sölen - willen
> Present:
> 1st sg.: dörv - kan - mut - mag - schal - wil
dörv ~ dröv - kan - mut - mag - schal ~ sal - wil
> 2nd sg.: dörvst - kanst - mu(t)st - magst - scha(l)st - wult
dörvst ~ drövst - kanst - mu(t)st - magst - scha(l)st ~ sa(l)st - wult
> 3rd sg.: dörv - kan - mutt - mag - schal - wil
dörv ~ dröv - kan - mutt - mag - schal ~ sal - wil
> pl.: dörvt~dörven - köönt~könen - möött~möten - möögt~mögen -
> schöölt~schölen - wült~willen
dörvt~dörven ~ dröövt ~ dröven - köönt~könen - möött~möten - möögt~mögen -
schöölt~schölen ~ söölt~sölen - wült~willen
> Preterite:
> 1st sg.: dörv - kun - müss - much - schul - wul
dörv ~ dröv - kun - müss - much - schul ~ sul - wul
> 2nd sg.: dörvst - kunst - müst - muchst - schu(l)st - wulst
dörvst ~ drövst - kunst - müst - muchst - schu(l)st ~ su(l)st - wu(l)st
> 3rd sg.: dörv - kun - müss - much - schul - wul
dörv ~ dröv - kun - müss - much - schul ~ sul - wul
> pl.: dörven - kunnen - müssen - muchen - schullen - wullen
dörven ~ dröven - kunnen - müssen - muchen - schullen ~ sullen - wullen
> Past Part.:
> dörvd - kund - müssd - muchd - schuld - wuld
dörvd ~ drövd - kund - müssd - muchd - schuld ~ suld - wuld
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