LL-L "Resources" 2003.10.04 (01) [E/LS]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sun Oct 5 17:59:51 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 05.OCT.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Mathieu van Woerkom <mathieu.vanwoerkom at student.kun.nl>
Subject: Resources
> Does anyone know of websites with general information on Appalachian,
> Brabantish, and Zeelandic? I don't know much about those three languages,
> and I'd like to be more familiar with them.
try http://taal.phileon.nl/eng/zeelandic.php first, and then go to
http://www.lowlands-l.net/talk/eng/index.php?page=zeelandic. After that, you
could check out some links at our very own LL-L links pages...
(it would be best if you could understand Dutch, I am afraid. There's not
much available in English)
Good luck!
From: Jan Strunk <strunkjan at hotmail.com>
Subject: Low Saxon search engine
Leive lüüd!
Ik bün för ein jaor an de universiteit Stanford in Kalifornien un studeer
hiir spraokwetenschap un computerlinguistik. Ein kurs dei ik maak is
"Information Retrieval and Web Mining". Dao gait dat toumeist üm
söökmaschiinen un sou'n tüüg. Jede student mutt sik ein projekt
överleggen. Eerst föll mi niks in, aover denn har ik de idee dat ik
en plattdüütsche / neddersassische söökmaschiin buun kunn.
Dat heet, erstmaol de technologie uutdenken. Dat is ja numaol
sou dat platt kein fastlegde schriivwiis hett. (Bruukst di ja blouts miin
tekst hiir antoukiken!!!) Ik wöör denn tou erst versöken, mi wat
wu ik dat mit de schriivwisen henkrig. Un villicht kunn ik denn ouk'n
buun un würklich eine söökmaschiin för neddersassische anbeiden.
Touföör wull ik geern Jue menen daotou hören.
Wat denkt Ji? Is wöör sou'n söökmaschiin för platt fan nütten?
Wan ik versöök ein tou programmeern, kunnen Ji mi dan helpen dat ding tou
Or givt dat fillicht al sou'n maschiin?
Wullt Ji mi'n raod dao tou geven?
Ji kunnen mi ouk geern (privaat) ein paar links tou neddersassische
websiiden toustüren.
Denn kann ik all anfangen ein korpus tousamen tou krigen...
För antern wöör ik Ju veel Dank weten!
Hello folks,
I am currently studying linguistics and computational linguistics at
University, California. One course that I take is "Information Retrieval and
Web Mining".
It is mostly about search engines for the web. Every student has to think
about a projekt.
At first, I couldn't really think about an interesting project for me. But
then it came to me
that I could try to build a search engine for Low Saxon. That's an idea that
is certainly not
very easy to realize, but something that I find very interesting and would
really like to try.
The main challenge and the technology that I would have to invent and/or
implement is an
algorithm to overcome the orthographical variation found in the texts. That
is if someone
searches for "hus" then he/she should also be able to find "huus" or "hoes"
and other spellings.
If I can get satisfying results for this problem, I could also try to build
a webcrawler to actually
collect websites automatically and to index them, so that I maybe could
really offer
a Low Saxon web search engine.
But before I start, I would like to hear your opinion on it.
What do you think? Would such a search engine for Low Saxon be useful?
If I try to implement one, would you be willing to test it in order to help
me get data for an evaluation?
Or maybe is there already such a search engine that I don't know of?
Or maybe you would like to give any other kind of advice?
If you like you can also send me some links (privately) to Low Saxon
webpages that you know
so that I can start building a corpus.
Thank you!
Jan Strunk
strunk at linguistics.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
jstrunk at stanford.edu
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources
I'd be happy to do some test driving and might be able to contribute a few
How about coming up with an automatic generator of alternative spelling, for
instance written in Perl, PHP or such? Such an "engine" would be very
useful for many of us, for instance if it were available online for
automated transformation into different orthographic systems (which sounds
like a projet right there). Maybe Sandy, Mathieu and others could act as
advisers on that.
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