LL-L "Etymology" 2003.10.08 (11) [E]

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Wed Oct 8 22:35:54 UTC 2003

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From: Antero Helasvuo <antero.helasvuo at welho.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2003.10.08 (09) [E]

>>Apparently, Finnish _kansa_ 'folk', 'people' was derived from an Old
>>Germanic version of the word (> _kansakunta_ 'nation', _kansallisuus_
>>'nationatity', _kansalaulu_ 'folksong', _kansatanssi_ 'folkdance', etc.).
>I have been wondering about the _k-_ here.   Germanic
>*_hana_ > Finnish _hana_ 'tap', 'faucet', 'spigot' (cf. German _Hahn_, LS
>_haan_, Danish _hane_ 'tap', 'faucet', 'spigot').
>Unfortunately, I can't find a comparative Finnic, Finno-Ugric or Uralic
>index online that could shed light on this.
>Any ideas?

A very very hasty answer: Firstly it's _kansanlaulu_ (folk's song) not
kansalaulu etc. but yes _kansakunta._ Secondly, the _hana > kana_
transformation might be due to the Russian influence, compare
Hitler>Gitler and _galanda_ = Dutch. Later.

Antero Helasvuo
Luutnantinpolku 9 C 20

TEL (fax on demand) +358 9 5872345
antero.helasvuo at welho.com


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Hei, Antero!

You wrote above:

> Firstly it's _kansanlaulu_ (folk's song) not
> kansalaulu etc. but yes _kansakunta._

Thanks.  So it's a genitive construction for the first and not for the

> Secondly, the _hana > kana_
> transformation might be due to the Russian influence, compare
> Hitler>Gitler and _galanda_ = Dutch. Later.

I'm not sure if I will buy this one.  It's supposed to be a very old loan.
Also, Russian would have had to borrow the word first (> *_ган(а)_
[*gan(a)]) and then pass it on to Finnish (> _kana_).  I don't think there
is any evidence of that.

Se on pulmallinen asia ...  ;)

Sydämelliset terveiset!

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