LL-L "Anthems" 2003.10.10 [E]

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Thu Oct 9 23:46:21 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 10.October.2003 * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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Onderwerp: "Anthems"
Van: "Thomas byro" <thbyro at earthlink.net>
Datum: Do, 2 oktober, 2003 6:42 am

To William Parker

The American national anthem was composed by Francis Scott Key while a
prisoner aboard a British ship off the coast of America.  I don't know
if this counts as a state of exile or not.  Interestingly though, it was
based on a drinking song, "In Anakreon of Old".  I wonder how many
national anthems are based on drinking songs?  A friend of mine told me
years ago that Deutschland Ueber Alles was also based on a drinking song
and he sang the song to prove it but I don't remember the name or how it
went.  Is there a traditional Helgoland drinking song that is similar to
Deutschland Ueber Alles?

Tom Byro

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