LL-L "Holidays" 2003.10.29 (01) [E/S]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Oct 29 15:34:29 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 29.OCT.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Holidays"
Well, here's a second attempt at a Scots version in the light of the Irish:
I'v wittins for ye:
the stag's rowtin,
the winter ondings,
an simmer's awa.
The snell wind's skirlin,
the sun's loutin laich,
smaa is its rake,
an sair jabblt's the jaup.
Rannoch is reident,
its shap scoukit awa,
haes grippit as aye
the cry o the claik.
The cauld haes clauchtit
the wings o the bird,
the icy while...
thir's my wittins. Hae!
awa: away, gone
aye: always
cauld: cold
claik: barnacle goose
clauchtit: caught hold of
cry: call
gittin: getting, becoming
grippit: gripped
hae: have
haes: has
haud: hold
jabblt: choppy
jaup: the surf, or a briefly choppy sea
laich: low
loutin: lowering the head, bending doun
onding: a downpour
rake: a run, a race (NB not in SND!)
rannoch: bracken
reident: reddened
rowtin: bellowing
sair: sorely, very
scoukit: hidden, skulked
shap: shape
skirlin: making a shrill sound
smaa: small
snell: (of cold) keen, biting
thir: plural of "this"
while: time
wittins: news
International Phonetic Alphabet:
ɒ:v 'wɪʔɪnz fər jɪ
ðə stɑ:gz 'rʌuʔɪn
ðə 'wɪnʔər o:n'dɪŋz
ən 'sɪmərz ʌ'wɒ:
ðə snɜ:l wɪnz 'skɪrlɪn
ðə sʌnz 'luʔɪn le:x
smɒ: ɪz ɪʔs re:k
ən se:r 'jɑ:blʔs ðə jɒ:p
'rɑ:nox ɪz 'ridənʔ
ɪʔs ʃʌp 'skukɪʔ ʌ'wɒ:
hɪz 'grʌpɪʔ əz əɪ
ðə krɑ:ɪ ɪ ðə kle:k
ðə kɒ:ld hɪz 'klɒ:xtɪʔ
ðə wɪŋz ɪ ðə bʌrd
ðə əɪsɪ ʍəɪl
ðɪrz mʌ 'wɪʔɪnz he:
Simplified Pronouncing Scots:
awv witinz fir yi
dhi stahgz rowtin
dhi wintir oandingz
in simirz uhwaw
dhi snehl winz skirlin
dhi suhnz lootin laikh
smaw iz its raik
in sair yahblts dhi yawp
rahnokh iz reedint
its shuhp skookit uhwaw
hiz gruhpit iz ey
dhi kry i dhi klaik
dhi kawld hiz klawkhtit
dhi wingz i dhi buhrd
dhi eysi hweyl
dhirz muh witinz hai
As for what I'm doing for Halloween, tomorrow I drive up to Whitby, Yorks.
which for reasons that will be obvious to some, is the goth capital of the
UK. There follows four days of buying clothes (black), drinking (tokay,
anyone?), dressing up (duster coats, filigree, mesh tops, new rocks, kilts
and other forms of transvestitism), music and not-dancing, and not-eating.
The Halloween day special event is a sandcastle competition on the beach,
which I suspect will end as a not-building-sandcastles competition and
retiring to a restaurant to not-eat, or possibly a pub to drink and complain
quietly about the music.
From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Holidays
Thanks, Sandy. I love the revision. Nice bits of alliteration and the like
... I particularly like the "Hae!" at the end. Nice touch! Too bad,
though, that the warrior fell through the cracks.
Oh, and thanks for the phonetic transcription.
You wrote: "The cauld haes clauchtit ..." So you think it's the *cold* that
has seized those things, not that *it* has been seized by the bracken?
Have fun in Whitby! Any chance of a picture or two of you in your holiday
getup? By the way, we have a Whitby here near Seattle too, but for some
strange reason it's pronounced "Woodbee" (pronouncing it "Whitby" shows that
you're an out-of-towner), and this island houses a mixture of camping
grounds, weekend cottages and navy installations. (Well, that sounds kind
of gothic, too, in a way, doesn't it?)
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