LL-L "Names" 2003.09.09 (16) [E]
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Tue Sep 9 22:12:47 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 09.SEP.2003 (16) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2003.09.09 (07) [E]
Hi, Luc,
You wrote:
> From: burgdal32admin <burgdal32 at pandora.be>
> Subject: LL-L "Names" 2003.09.09 (02) [E]
> Hi Peter
> The "ding" was something like a parliament in the old days. So
> "Dingeman(s)" was a member of that parliament.
So I think, though being in an opposite meaning to EVEN Ron.
The place I am living at is named "Dingwoerden". I guess it meaning a great
wharf (still to see) where in former times the (Old Day's): "thing" was
But- I'm not sure at all!
(Friedrich W. Neumann)
Not Lucifer I fear
but those almighty Gods
From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Names"
> From: Anja Meyfarth <anja-meyfarth at t-online.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Names" 2003.09.09 (02) [E]
> There is one town more: Braunschweig, in LS Brunswi(e)k. And here
> in Kiel a
> part of the town near the channel is called Wik. LS "Wik" (G "Weiche") is
> also known from the towns-right (if this expression is the right
> one). That
> area still belonged to the town but was lying out of the walls.
> How far this
> reached isn't sure. There were the pastures for the cattle of the
> inhabitants, orchards and even some fields.
Of course there are "wicks" in Scotland, such as "Wick" and "Prestwick" and
"wich's" in England such as "Ipswich", "Bromwich" and "Dulwich".
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names
Not to forget internationally fairly wellknown names like Greenwich and
Norwich, where, however, the /w/ has been dropped in pronunciation
("grennich", "norrich"). So, it's "Green Bay" and "North Bay," I guess.
As far as I am aware, these names tend to be associated with the Danelaw
(under Danish occupation).
There are claims that this "Wick" is related to Latin _vicus_ 'place'.
From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at pandora.be>
Subject: Names
Beste Evert (en annere liëglanners),
"Harderwijk" is composed of "wijk" (meaning "bay", "inlet") and the given
name "Hardheri".
Regarding the last name "Dingemans" (and also "Dingeman", "Dingemanse",
"Dingen", "Dingene(n)", "Dingena", "Ding(en)s", "Ding(hs)", "Dinck(x)",
"Dincq"); in Belgium they have all evolved from the saint's name "Dymfna",
that became "Dinge" colloquially. So this surname is a metronymic...which is
quite uncommon. The name "Van Dingenen" however refers to a geographical
location "donk" (older "dunga"), which means "sandy elevation in a marsh".
Kind greetings,
Luc Hellinckx
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