LL-L "Etymology" 2004.08.09 (06) [E]

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Tue Aug 10 01:22:04 UTC 2004

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From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Luc wrote as regards names for Tailor in different

"English:        Taylor < Anglo-Norman "taillour",
French "tailleur"
Limburgish:     Schreu(de)r(s) ~ Schröder (G)"

Oh dear - does that mean I could actually be 'Gerhard
Schröder' translated into German?? :-/

Gary (Taylor)

ps. I'm back after spending lots of time travelling,
amongst others to Amsterdam and Usedom in Vorpommern.
Disappointed to find very little literature about
dialects in both of them, although I did find a nice
series of books in Amsterdam giving brief overviews of
several regional dialects - the series being called
'Taal in stad en land'. Sorry Ron that should probably
be under 'resources' but I hope you'll forgive me as
it's in a 'ps.'


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Hi, Gary!

> Oh dear - does that mean I could actually be 'Gerhard
> Schröder' translated into German?? :-/

That depends on if your first name is a derivation from Germanic-derived
Garret (< Gerard = Gerhard "good with spears") or _Garrick_ (< ger+ric
"spear+rich") or from Welsh-derived Gareth (of uncertain meaning).  Until
you decide on which one it is, I'm afraid you'll have to live with this.
However, be consoled by the assurance that your friends at Lowlands-L will
love you anyway.


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