LL-L "In the media" 2004.08.13 (03) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Fri Aug 13 16:51:42 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 13.AUG.2004 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "In the media" 2004.08.12 (10) [E]
Ron wrote:
> Similarly, generic Hollywood "Orientals" with ridiculous accents and
> used to be played by people of non-Asian decent, such as Ricardo Montoban
> a most embarrassing devious Japanese.
Non-Asian "decent"? So make up your mind - do you like that, or not?! :-)
On the whole, there seems to be only one ethnic group left now for which it
is deemed quite OK to be depicted in a stereotypical and/or ridiculous
fashion: Germans, of course. I am always pleasantly surprised when even one
German is depicted as a "regular" person in an American or British movie,
without being either a klutz, a nincompoop, a sadist, someone who blindly
follows orders, or all of the above; actually, the only movie along those
lines that I can think of is "Hatari" with John Wayne and Hardy Krüger.
As for Native Americans in movies - there's a hilarious German movie which
came out a few yeaqrs ago, and which makes fun of the entire genre of Italo
westerns: "Der Schuh des Manitu". It was mostly filmed in Bavaria, and the
three main chracters have fat Bavarian accents. They flew in 30 or more
Native American actors from the United States, and, to be authentic, they
didn't dub them, but made them all say their text in German, although none
of them spoke any German at all. They did a tremendous job, delivering their
lines almost accent-free, and, judging from the outtakes, they seem to have
had great fun, even or maybe because the movie is exceptionally silly.
Coming to think of it, some of their text - when they talked among
themselves - was Shoshone with German subtitles... like: "We must dig up the
hatchet of war." "Er... Chief... we don't HAVE a hatchet of war." "Oh. What
have we got, then?" "A folding chair. We have a folding chair." "All right,
then. We must dig up the folding chair."
Gabriele Kahn
From: Bill Wigham <redbilly2 at earthlink.net>
Subject: LL-L "In the media" 2004.08.12 (05) [E]
Erik & Al:
The singing Klub I belong to has men from all over Germany and their
accents vary widely according to where they grew up and their tastes as well
as how many teeth they have left. I cannot tell them apart when they speak
their version of Englisch. Something tells me the actors, who played German
soldiers (in the late Unpleasantness), all went to the same diction coach at
the studios. Hardy Kruger must have been at the top of his class. Hardy
speaks better English than anyone in our Maennerchor (with the possible
eception of the bass section.)
Bill W.
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