LL-L "Anniversary" 2004.12.01 (07) [E/Indonesian]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Dec 2 01:08:11 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 01.DEC.2004 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Anniversary
Yesterday, under "Administrativia," I wrote:
> Before I get to normal List business, let me remind you of our upcoming
> anniversary (April/May 2005) and the anniversary project we are putting
> together: a collection of translations of a Lowlands Saxon (Low German)
> folktale in various Lowlands language varieties (*any* varieties) and
> languages, both reading and for listening. You will find the raw material
> here: http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/low-saxon/ls-story.html . But we will
> present this elsewhere, jazzed up, and with sound. It’s going to be
> terrific.
> Some subscribers have already contributed to this. Thanks to all of them.
> Contribution recognition awards will be handed out later.
> More is needed, folks! Besides translations and sound recordings, we need
> subscribers' brief (1-3 paragraph) introductions, preferably with
> but contributions without pictures will be gladly received too. Just
> introduce yourselves, say where (in general) you live and originally come
> from, what sorts of interests you have, and what your experiences and/or
> first impressions you have as relates to Lowlands-L. We want to show
> out there the diversity of membership. We do not want to impress them
> great names and achievements, just show them that virtually anyone at any
> level of knowledge and experience and from any part of the world is
> to join us and is likely to gain something from it. If you are new to the
> List, by all means, introduce yourselves and tell us what you hope to get
> out of it and what your experiences have been so far. You may do so in
> language you like, do not need to write in English or in another Lowlands
> language. If you do it bilingually, that would be great.
> If you want to contribute introductions or translations, please send them
> me (sassisch at yahoo.com), and I will pass them on to Mathieu van Woerkom,
> webmaster who is designing a very nice new site for the occasion. We are
> not concerned about duplication. If there is already a translation in
> language, please send us yours anyway. No two people tell a story exactly
> alike, nor do they have exactly the same pronunciation. The main thing is
> that your write and speak in a *natural* way. If you want to contribute
> sound recordings, please get in touch with Henry Pijffers
> (henry.pijffers at saxnot.com) who will also be happy to give you technical
> advice and instructions.
Please feel free to "advertise" your special projects, websites and
publications -- as long as they are non-commercial or this is done in a
non-commercial way. We will put that at the bottom of each intro page, with
links if appropriate. However, if you have no special project or website,
and if you have never published anything in your lifes, please do not feel
inadequate. Go ahead and introduce yourselves. Tell us where you live
and/or originally came from (city, country), and what interests you. Just
do whatever feels comfortable to you.
As for the story translations and recordings, thanks to those of you who
have already answered the call. You're all in the running for special merit
I have come up with a rather rough Indonesian translation of the wren story
(substituting "wren" with _gelatik_ (_Padda oryzivora_), the Java sparrow).
Will anyone help me clean up my translation? Perhaps our Indonesian
subscribers could rush to my aid, or any of you might have friends whose
Indonesian is better than mine (which would be lots). Please write to me at
sassisch at yahoo.com. Also please let me know whether or not you (or your
friend) would be willing to be named as co-translator.
My draft translation is below, following my signature.
Terima kasih sebelumnya!
Burung gelatik mempunyai sarangnya di bangsal kereta. Kapan-kapan baik
burung tua terbang ke luar -- mau menemukan beberapa makanan bagi anak-anak
mereka -- maupun meninggalkan burung-burung muda sendiri.
Sedikit saat sesudah itu ayah gelatik pulang.
"Apa terjadi di sini?" mengatakan, "Yang melukai anda, kanak? Anda begitu
"Aduh, bapak," burung muda mengatakan, "hantu besar melewati baru saja,
nampaknya begitu garang dan mengerikan! Dia membelalak ke dalam sarang kami
dengan mata besarnya. Kami menjadi begitu takut karena itu!"
"Masa?" bapak gelatik mengatakan, "dia pergi di mana?"
"Yah," mengatakan, "dia pergi ke arah itu."
"Tunggu di sini!" bapak gelatik mengatakan, "Saya mengejarnya. Jangan
khawatir, kanak! Saya menangkapnya." Lalu dia terbang sesudah hantu itu.
Kalau dia datang di seluruh tikungan, adalah singa yang berjalan-jalan di
Tetapi burung gelatik tidak takut. Dia turun di punggung singa dan mulai
memarahi. "Apa adalah sebab kau karena datang ke rumah saya," katanya, "dan
mengerikan kanak-kanak saya?!"
Singa mengabaikannya dan terus berjalan.
Itu memaksa pahlawan mugil untuk memarahinya lebih lebih marah lagi. "Kau
tidak mempunyai izin untuk di sana, kata saya kepada kau! Jika kau kembali,"
katanya, "ya, lalu sesuatu mengerikan akan terjadi kepada kau! Saya
benar-benar tidak mau melakukannya, katanya dan lalu menyingsing satu kaki
kecilnya, "tetapi saya akan mematahkan punggung kau dengan kaki saya
Lalu dia terbang kembali ke sarangnya.
"Bagus, sayang," mengatakan, "saya mengajar pelajaran kepada bajingan itu
untuk mengingat. Kami tidak pernah menemuinya di sini lagi."
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