LL-L "Etymology" 2004.12.06 (14) [E]

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Tue Dec 7 02:41:14 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 06.DEC.2004 (14) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
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From: Tom Carty <cartyweb at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.12.05 (05) [E]

There are plenty of non politically correct terms for the politically

On the general topic of names: I understand that the Dutch like to be known
as Netherlanders due to the origions of Dutch being from Deutch (German), in
the same way as Croat comes from Kraut, another term for German, or

Scotland gets its name from Scotia, a latin name for Irishman: that is what
the Dal Riada settlers called themselves.

Welsh and Wales come from Foreignor (Anglo Saxon 'waelsh'), English comes
directly from Anglo (only the Celts remember the saxon! ['Sassanach' Irish /
Scots / Manx).

In america, the Dakota Indians call themselves Dakota as it means friend.
The French term, by which they are most often referred, is Sioux, or enemy.

Eskimo causes offence to eskimos: soory if any are reading this! as it means
'he who eats raw flesh', they call themselves Inuit. [pron: in-u-it, or as
some joke 'I knew it!']. They see Eskimo as deragatory.

Where does German come from? And what is the real meaning of Deutch?

Sorry about any misspellings.

Tomas O' Carthaigh


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Hi, Tom!

> Eskimo causes offence to eskimos: soory if any are reading this! as it
> means
> 'he who eats raw flesh', they call themselves Inuit. [pron: in-u-it, or as
> some joke 'I knew it!'].

Only the Inuit people do (sg. _inuq_ 'person' -> _inuit_ 'persons',
'people', _inuqtitut_ for the language), not the Yupik (of Western Alaska
and Siberia who say _ieupiaq_ for a person and _ieupiatun_ for the

> Where does German come from?

ger + man "spear man"

_ger_ 'spear', 'spike' > English _gar..._ as in "garfish' and "garlic" (=

> And what is the real meaning of Deutch?

That would be _Deutsch_ in German, _Duytsch_ ~ _Duytsk_ (<Düütsch>, <Dütsk>,
<Duuts>, etc.) in Low Saxon and (_Duytsch_ > _Duitsch_ >) _Duits_ in Dutch.

This goes back to Old German _diot(a)_, Old Saxon _thioda_, Old English
_ðiod_, Old Norse _þjóð_ and Gothic _þiuda_ 'people', 'nation', cf. Old
Irish _thúad_ (same meaning), Lithuanian _tautà _ (same meaning), also Latin
_theodisc-_ and Italian _tedesc-_ 'German', related to _Teutonic_.


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