LL-L "Delectables" 2004.12.10 (02) [A/E]

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Fri Dec 10 16:49:36 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 10.DEC.2004 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: ezinsser at tiscali.co.za <ezinsser at tiscali.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2004.12.09 (04) [E]

Hi all,

Mark, jy klink nou soos my oorle' man se liewe ou ma.
She always looked for pink veal in a country where cattle are exposed to the
rather than lounging in a warm barn under a Schwarzwald Husle!

I have found, (even in the humble Alberton), a variety of halva as well as
good Marzipan.
You have to know where to look, though!

Is one person's 'culture' not another's snobbery?

Elsie Zinsser

>but it falls somewhat short in matters of 'Kultcha'. Once in my
> meanderings I came accross a supermarket with kilogram blocks of
> marzipan & > halva, in the cold counter with the


From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at worldonline.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2004.12.09 (05) [E]

>>>>>Good point, Henry, I forgot about the chocolate coins (chocolademunten)
at Sinterklaas.
And about even some more important things eaten only at Sinterklaas:
_pepernoten_ ("pepper nuts")-hard, small gingerbread cubes that are thrown
around along with
 _suikergoed_ ("sugar things") - hard sweet candies by the Zwarte Piets;
_banketstaven_ sweet pastry letters, and _chocoladeletters_ the first
initial of ones name in chocolate.

So we have:

marsepein [mArs@"pEin]
speculaas  [spe:ky"la:s]
taai-taai    [ta:i"ta:i]
pepernoten ["pe:p at rno:t@(n)]
chocoladeletters [So:ko"la:d at lEt@rs]
banketstaven [bAN"kEtsta:v@(n)]
chocolademunten [So:ko"la:d at mYnt@(n)]
suikergoed ["s9yk at rxut]

all eaten only or mainly at Sinterklaas in The Netherlands.
The traditional drink is chocolademelk / chocomel = hot chocolate.

I know you think enough was said about this, Henry, but I myself am a bit
curious about similar traditions in other regions, for instance Flemish

>Henry schreef:
> As a Sinterklaas present children in the Netherlands too are often given
> chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. There are several stories about
> Sinterklaas that mention him handing out money, and this custom of
> giving chocolate coins as a present is said to be derived from that
> (there's a lot being said though, especially about Sinterklaas...)


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

Ingmar (above):

> taai-taai    [ta:i"ta:i]

What's that, and what's it etymology?

> _pepernoten_ ("pepper nuts")-hard, small gingerbread cubes

In Germany, _Pfeffernüsse_ (Lowlands Saxon _peper-noet(en)_
["pE:p6%n9:t(=n)], thus also literally "pepper nuts") are round, made from a
type of gingebread and glazed, usually white.  They tend not to be wrapped,
so you wouldn't throw them around.  You can buy them in North American
"Continental" stores at this time of the year.


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