LL-L "On the phone" 2004.01.11 (03) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Feb 12 00:35:17 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 11.FEB.2004 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Spelling over the phone
I have problems with spelling over the phone from time to time. Although I
mostly give Georgia for G and Jersey for J, I repeatedly get my surname
spelled Thigs for Thijs in the US. I doubt whether my pronounciation is so
terribly bad, or i+j is so uncommon for an American audience, that things go
so terribly wrong.
There are months I pay more for reaching the ATT-wireless helpdesk (for my
302-based GSM) from within Belgium (queueing times up to 60 min and then
they break off / repeatedly problems on their internet page - and when it
works over the web, I get some useless standard text e-mailed after 2 days,
so that is not an alternative), than for all other communication on that
Point is, when I get contact over the phone, it is helpfull they understand
me. Since I have no personal US SSN as entry for their database, they have
to do with some secret questions, as the name of my mother etc., but they
fail get it typed in correctly at their desk....)
This afternoon I was in the Borgloon area (picking up the DVD recording of
the theatre play "Wa's looz in Loan?" in West-Limburgish. I reported about
it a couple of months ago). I found in a local bookshop:
Christel Nenneberger e.a., Telefoneren in 5 talen, Duits Engels Frans Spaans
Italians, 2000, Holten, Walvaboek, ISBN 90-6675-151-7, 96 pp. This little
pocket book costs 11.25 Euro
I compared its telephone alphabet, with some other sources I have at home.
The result follows below.
v = hand-out page, used in the seventies in the Volvo Sint Truiden plant in
f = hand-out, dated around 1996, from Fabrimetal, Antwerp office (Fabrimetal
= the Belgian employers organization for the metal sector, Its name has
recently been changed into Agoria)
ch = Christel Henneberger e.a. Telefoneren in 5 talen, cf above
a = ARRL (American Radio Relay Ligue) Operating manual, 1991 (adds
pronounciation and marks emphasized syllable), quotes are from p 17-25 and
p 17-26
im = international morse
am = american morse
di = short
da = long
daaa = extra long
_ = short pause
(I learned spelling with di-da from an instructor of the Belgian army, I
never have spent time with Morse exercises afterwards. I still pay anually
for maintaining my sender's licence, call name ON1TV, but I'm not sending
anymore since 30 years)
ITU = International Telecommunication Union
1. I think one should use words people spell normally right.
Caroline for C in Dutch - I spell it Karolien
Célestin for C in French - I spell it Sélestin
Yvonne for Y - I spell it Ivonne
One list gives IJmuiden, written with IJ in that list, for Y !!!!
2. In some versons they use( for French)
Eugène and Ãmile for e and é, but
nothing for è, à and ç
Others use Ãmile for e without accent.
3. For Q the Volvo list gives the French word "qualité" for Dutch, while
French has "quintal" in that list.
4. Italy must use foreign words for missing characters in standard Italian
For W in French, some lists use William (Guillaume is more common as name in
Here it comes:
Nederlands v Arthur f Anna
French v+f+ch Anatole
English v+f+ch Alfred
German v+f+ch Anton
Spanish ch Antonio a America (ah-MAIR-ika)
Italian ch Ancona
International f Amsterdam
ITU a alfa (AL-fah)
Morse a im+am di da
German v+ch Ãrger
Nederlands v Brussel f Bernard
French v+ch Berthe f Bernard
English v+f+ch Benjamin
German v+f+ch Berta
Spanish ch Barcelona a Brasil (brah-SIL)
Italian ch Bologna
International f Baltimore
ITU a Bravo (BRAH-voh)
Morse a im+am da di di di
Nederlands v Caroline f Cornelis
French v+ch Célestin f Cécile
English v+f+ch Charles
German v+f+ch Cäsar
Spanish ch Carmen a Canada (cana-DAH)
Italian ch Como
International f Casablanca
ITU a Charlie (CHAR-lee or SHAR-lee)
Morse a im da di da di // am di di _ di
German v+ch Charlotte
Spanish ch chocolate
Nederlands v Désiré f Dirk
French v+f+ch Désiré
English v+f+ch David
German v+f Dora ch Dietrich
Spanish ch Dolores a Dinamarca (dina-MAR-ka)
Italian ch Domodosolla
International f Danemark
ITU a Delta (DELL-tah)
Morse a im+am da di di
Nederlands v Emiel f Eduard
French v+ch Eugène f Emile
English v+f+ch Edward
German v+f+ch Emil
Spanish ch Enrique a Espana (es-PAHN-yah)
Italian ch Empoli
International f Edison
ITU a Echo (ECK-oh)
Morse a im+am di
French v+ch Ãmile
Nederlands v Frederik f Ferdinand
French v+f+ch François
English v+f+ch Frederick
German v+ch Friedrich f Fritz
Spanish ch Francia a Francia (FRAHN-seeah)
Italian ch Firenze
International f Florida
ITU a Foxtrot (FOKS-trot)
Morse a im di di da di // am di da di
Nederlands v Gustaaf f Gerard
French v+ch Gaston f Gustave
English v+f+ch George
German v+f+ch Gustav
Spanish ch Gerona a Grenada (gre-NAH-dah)
Italian ch Genova
International f Gallipoli
ITU a Golf (GOLF)
Morse a im+am da da di
Nederlands v+f Hendrik
French v+f+ch Henri
English v+f+ch Harry
German v+f+ch Heinrich
Spanish ch historia a Holanda (oh-LONN-dah)
Italian ch Haarlem, hotel ("acca")
International f Havanna
ITU a Hotel (hoh-TELL)
Morse a im+am: di di di di
Nederlands v Isidoor f Uzaak
French v+ch Irma f Isidore
English v+f+ch Isaac
German v+f+ch Ida
Spanish ch Inés a Italia (i-TAL-eeah)
Italian ch Imola
International f Italia
ITU a India (IN-dee-ah)
Morse a im+am: di di
Nederlands v Jozef f Jan
French v+ch Joseph f Jean
English v+f+ch Jack
German v+ch Julius f Johan
Spanish ch José a Japon (hop-OWN)
Italian ch Jersey, John ("i lunga")
International f Jerusalem
ITU a Juliett (JEW-lee-ETT)
Morse a im di da da da // am da di da di
Nederlands v kilogram f Karel
French v+ch Kléber f kilogramme
English v+f+ch king
German v+ch Kaufmann f Karl
Spanish ch kilo a Kilowatio (kilo-WAT-eeoh)
Italian ch Kent, king ("cappa")
International f Kilogramme
ITU a Kilo (KEY-loh)
Morse a im+am da di da
Nederlands v Leopold f Lodewijk
French v+ch Louis f Léopold
English v+f+ch London
German v+f+ch Ludwig
Spanish ch Lorenzo a Lima (LIMA)
Italian ch Livorno
International f Liverpool
ITU a Lima (LEE-mah)
Morse a im di da di di // am daaa
Spanish ch Llobregat
Nederlands v Maria f Marie
French v+f+ch Marcel
English v+f+ch Mary
German v+f+ch Martha
Spanish ch Madrid a Mejico (MEH-heeco)
Italian ch Milano
International f Madagascar
ITU a Mike (MIKE)
Morse a im+am da da
Nederlands v Napoleon f Nico
French v+ch Nicolas f Napoléon
English v+f+ch Nellie
German v+f+ch Nordpol
Spanish ch Navarra a Norvega (nor-WAY-gah)
Italian ch Napoli
International f New York
ITU a November (no-VEM-ber)
Morse a im+am da di
Spanish ch ñoño
Nederlands v Oscar f Otto
French v+f+ch Oscar
English v+f+ch Oliver
German v+f+ch Otto
Spanish ch Oviedo a Ontario (on-TAR-eeoh)
Italian ch Otranto
International f Oslo
ITU a Oscar (OSS-cah)
Morse a im da da da / am di _ di
German v+ch Ãkonom
Nederlands v piano f Pieter
French v+f+ch Pierre
English v+f+ch Peter
German v+f+ch Paula
Spanish ch Paris a Portugal (portu-GAL)
Italian ch Palermo
International f Paris
ITU a Papa (pah-PAH)
Morse a im di da da di // am di di di di di
Nederlands v qualité f quotiënt
French v+ch quintal f Québec
English v+f+ch queen
German v+f+ch Quelle
Spanish ch Querido a Quito (KEY-toe)
Italian ch quarto, quintale
International f Quebec
ITU a Quebec (Keh-BECQ)
Morse a im da da di da // am di di da di
Nederlands v Robert f Rudolf
French v+ch Raoul f Robert
English v+f+ch Robert
German v+f+ch Richard
Spanish ch Ramón a Roma (ROW-mah)
Italian ch Roma
International f Roma
ITU a Romeo (ROW me oh)
Morse a im di da di // di _ di di
Nederlands v Sofie f Simon
French v+f+ch Suzanne
English v+f+ch Samuel
German v+f Samuel ch Siegfried/Samuel
Spanish ch sábado a Santiago (santee-AH-go)
Italian ch Savona
International f Santiago
ITU a Sierra (see-AIR-rah)
Morse a im+am di di di
German v+ch Schule
Nederlands v telefoon f Teunis
French v+ch Thérèse f téléphone
English v+f+ch Tommy
German v+f+ch Theodor
Spanish ch Tarragona a Toronto (tor-ON-to)
Italian ch Torino
International f Tripoli
ITU a Tango (TANG-go)
Morse a im+am da
Nederlands v Ursula f Utrecht
French v+f+ch Ursule
English v+f+ch uncle
German v+f+ch Ulrich
Spanish ch Ulises a uniforme (oonee-FORM-eh)
Italian ch Udine
International f Upsala
ITU a Uniform (YOU-nee-form or OO-nee-form)
Morse a im+am di di da
German v+ch Ãbermut
Nederlands v+f Victor
French v+f+ch Victor
English v+f+ch Victor
German v+f+ch Viktor
Spanish ch Valencia a Victoria (vic-TOR-eeah)
Italian ch Venezia
International f Valencia
ITU a Victor (VIC-tah)
Morse a im+am di di di daa
Nederlands v Waterloo f Willem
French v+ch William f Wagon
English v+f+ch William
German v+f+ch Wilhelm
Spanish ch Washington a Washington/wisky (washingtone, wisky)
Italian ch Washington ("vi doppla")
International f Washington
ITU a Whiskey (WISS-key)
Morse a im+am di da da
Nederlands v Xavier f Xantippe
French v+ch Xavier f Xantippe
English v+f+ch X-ray
German v+f+ch Xanthippe
Spanish ch Xiquena a Xilofono (see-LOW-phono)
Italian ch xilofono ("ics")
International f Xantippe
ITU a X-Ray (ECKS-ray)
Morse a im da di di da // am di da di di
Nederlands v Yvonne f IJmuiden
French v+f+ch Yvonne
English v+f+ch yellow
German v+f+ch Ypsilon
Spanish ch Yegua a Yucatan (yuca-TAN)
Italian ch York ("ipsilon", "i greca")
International f Yokohama
ITU a Yankee (YANG key)
Morse a im da di da da // am di di _ di di
Nederlands v zoals f Zaandam
French v+ch zoé f zéro
English v++chf zebra
German v Zacharias f Zeppelin ch Zacharias/Zeppelin
Spanish ch Zaragoza a Zelandia (see-LAND-eeah)
Italian ch Zata ("zeta")
International f Zürich
ITU a Zulu (ZOO loo)
Morse a im da da di di // am di di di _ di
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