LL-L "Technica" 2004.01.12 (01) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Feb 12 15:23:21 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 12.FEB.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Technical problems

In the past, when I couldn't reed some characters with accents in messages
coming from the Lowland list, I switched
from View / Encoding / Unicoding (UTF-8) in Outlook
to / West European (Windows) or /West-European (ISO)

None of these two works anymore.

I'm not aware of any change in settings on my PC, other than semi-automated
updates of Windows XP by the Microsoft update function.
Is there anything changed on the Lowlands server?

In my recent message:
-- quote (with characters marked)
Eug_è_(1)_ne and _É_(2)_mile for e and _é_(3)_, but
nothing for _è_(1), _à _(4) and _ç_(5)
-- end quote

It is normally composed as "Western Europe (ISO)" when sent to the list.
These are my standard settings for all outgoing messages.
I send in "Plain text" to the list, not in "Rich text (HTML)".
The text sent is still OK after sending, when opened in my "sent items"

What I receive is

(1) for e with accent grave
with Encoding set to Unicoding (UTF-8)
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("Windows" or "ISO")
capital A with tilde followed by empty space with Umlaut.

(2) for E with accent aigu
with Encoding set to Unicoding (UTF-8)
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("ISO")
capital A with tilde followed by question mark
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("Windows")
capital A with tilde followed by percentage sign

(3) for e with accent aigu
with Encoding set to Unicoding (UTF-8)
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("Windows" or "ISO")
capital A with tilde followed by copyright sign

(4) for a with accent grave
with Encoding set to Unicoding (UTF-8)
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("Windows" or "ISO")
capital A with tilde

(5) for c with cedille
with Encoding set to Unicoding (UTF-8)
with Encoding set to Western Europe ("Windows" or "ISO")
capital A with tilde followed by paragraph sign

Thanks for your help and advice.



From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.com>
Subject: Technica


Sometimes weird things like that happen, and I don't have an explanation.
Perhaps someone else has.  I sent your last message off in UTF-8 encoding,
could read the "special" characters then and can read them now.

Go figure ...


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