LL-L "Songs" 2004.02.14 (04) [D/E/LS/Luxembourgish]
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Sat Feb 14 18:18:03 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 14.FEB.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Jannie Lawn <jannie.lawn at ntlworld.com>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2004.01.13 (08) [E]
Hai all,
Gabriele sent a variation to the 'normal' Zilvervloot song: 'Hij heeft
gewonnen een houten poot.' Thus, instead of the Silver Fleet, he wins
himself a wooden leg...
Well, I had never come across that version, but I had learned the 'normal'
one at Primary School, together with another lot of 'typically Dutch' songs.
There is one where I can still remember the tune, but at the moment only the
words of the first two lines will come:
'In naam van Oranje, doe open de poort
De Watergeus ligt voor De(N) Briel.'
We also learned one that went something like this:
'Waar in 't bronsgroen eikenhout
't Nachtegaaltje zingt
En de hoorn des herders schalt,
't lied des leeuw'riks klinkt,
Daar is ons vaderland, Limburg's dierbaar oord (2x).'
And I think it was my dad who taught us the 'Groninger volkslied':
't Peerd van Ome Loeks is dood, Loeks is dood, Loeks is dood,
't Peerd van Ome Loeks is dood, hardstikke dood.
Gister nog goud gezond,
....(?) met zien steert in 't rond.
't Peerd van Ome Loeks is dood, hardstikke dood.
Groeten, Jannie Lawn-Zijlstra
From: Jannie Lawn <jannie.lawn at ntlworld.com>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2004.01.13 (08) [E]
Just remembered 2 more lines, maybe part of the 2nd verse, with the rest
being repeated?
(my 'Grunnings' isn't too good, but I remember it something like this:
'Had-ie heur maar vreten, vreten 'geven
Waz-ie wel in 't leven, leven 'bleven.
't Peerd ......'
Groeten, Jannie
From: Dave S <davidsin at pt.lu>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2004.01.13 (09) [?/D/E]
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Songs
> [English below]
> Gustaaf schreef (boven):
> > Piet Hein is een van de Nederlandse zeehelden uit de
> > gouden eeuw (hoewel het verschil tussen zeeheld en piraat niet
> > altijd even duidelijk was.)
> Bedankt, beste Gustaaf. Ja, ja, dat is wat ik ook dacht terwijl ik de
> liedversies vertaalde. De zeeheld van een mens is de piraat van een
> mens, en de vrijheidsstrijder van een mens is de terrorist van een andere
> mens. (Of in het Nedersaksisch (Nederduits) gezegd: _D’n eyn syn uul is d
> annern syn nachtegal_ “De uil van de een is de nachtegaal van de andere.”)
> Het hangt ervan af of men een nationalvlag draagt of niet.
> Gustaaf points out that this song _Piet Hein_ is one of the most
> Dutch songs, the chorus "He has captured the Silver Fleet" being sung for
> cheering purposes at soccer matches. Gustaaf added that the difference
> between "naval hero" and "pirate" is somewhat unclear. I replied that
> is what I was thinking while translating the lyrics. One person's naval
> hero is another person's pirate, just as one person's freedom fighter is
> another person's terrorist. Or in Lowlands Saxon (Low German): _D’n eyn
> uul is d’n annern syn nachtegal_ ("One person's owl is the other person's
> nightingale."). It all depends on whether or not one is carrying a
> flag, doesn't it?
> Espero que nuestros amigos españoles en la lista ahora no se sientan tan
> molestia por esta balada.
> (I hope our Spanish friends on the list now feel less bothered by this
> ballad now.)
> Here is a Lowlands Saxon pirates’ song. Does anyone know anything about
> It seems to be a modern rehash of something pretty old, perhaps from
> Hanseatic times.
> De blaue Flagge weiht
> 1.
> |: De blaue Flagge weiht, :|
> Wi arndt dort, wo de Koopmann seiht.
> Refrain:
> Mord unde Brand!
> Den leewen Gott to Fründe
> Un aller Welt Fiand!
> 2.
> |: Un bring en Koopmannsschipp :|
> Von Ost un Westen War’ uns mit,
> Refrain:
> Mord unde Brand!
> Den leewen Gott to Fründe
> Un aller Welt Fiand!
> 3.
> |: Wi drinkt, wi drinkt sin' Win, :|
> Sin Schipp un Last mutt unse sin!
> Refrain:
> Mord unde Brand!
> Den leewen Gott to Fründe
> Un aller Welt Fiand!
> 4.
> |: Un heet' up't letzt: God Nacht! :|
> Up't letzt gelacht is best gelacht!
> Refrain:
> Mord unde Brand!
> Den leewen Gott to Fründe
> Un aller Welt Fiand!
> My ANS transliteration:
> Dey blaue vlagge wayt
> 1.
> |: Dey blaue vlagge wayt. :|
> Wy arndt daar, wou dey koupman sayt.
> Refrain:
> Mord unde brand!
> D’n leyven God tou vründe
> Un aller welt viand!
> 2.
> |: Un bring eyn koupmansschip :|
> Von oost un westen waar uns mit,
> Refrain:
> Mord unde brand!
> D’n leyven God tou vründe
> Un aller welt viand!
> 3.
> |: Wy drinkt, wy drinkt syn wyn. :|
> Syn schip un last mut unse syn!
> Refrain:
> Mord unde brand!
> D’n leyven God tou vründe
> Un aller welt viand!
> 4.
> |: Un heyt up ’t letst: Goud nacht! :|
> Up ’t letsd gelachd is besd gelachd!
> Refrain:
> Mord unde brand!
> D’n leyven God tou vründe
> Un aller welt viand!
> My rough translation:
> The Blue Flag Flies
> 1.
> |: The blue flag flies :|
> We reap where merchants sow.
> Refrain:
> Murder and blaze!
> The good Lord’s friend
> And all the world’s foe!
> 2.
> |: And should a merchantman carry:|
> Goods for us from east and west,
> Refrain:
> Murder and blaze!
> The good Lord’s friend
> And all the world’s foe!
> 3.
> |: We drink, we drink his wine. :|
> His ship and freight be ours!
> Refrain:
> Murder and blaze!
> The good Lord’s friend
> And all the world’s foe!
> 4.
> |: And be it farewell at last! :|
> The one who laughs last laughs best!
> Refrain:
> Murder and blaze!
> The good Lord’s friend
> And all the world’s foe!
> Enjoy!
> Reinhard/Ron
Moien Ron,
Du hues eppes vergiessen mat ze ginn, Ron, wéi kënnen mir sangen
wan mir kee melodie hun ! soss dat soll elland kléngen.
Ech muss mech och korrigéieren, eis sprooch as net ostfrankish awer
E grouss merci fir eis Roger iwwer d' dictionnaire, wunnerbar !
Dave Singleton
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs
Moien, Dave!
> Du hues eppes vergiessen mat ze ginn, Ron, wéi kënnen mir sangen
> wan mir kee melodie hun ! soss dat soll elland kléngen.
Hmmm ... Net vergiessen, ma ik kan se net fannen.
> soss dat soll elland kléngen.
Vläicht och *mat* melodie? ;-)
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