LL-L "Careers" 2004.02.14 (08) [E]

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Sat Feb 14 22:11:11 UTC 2004

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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Careers" 2004.02.14 (02) [E]

Ben Bloomgren wants to know how to become a translator...

Well, I don't think you could go about it the same way I did... at least I
don't recommend it.

I studied biology and worked as a research zoologist in the Max Planck
Institute for Behavioural Physiology in Bavaria... shortly after I started
my PhD (and before I had been able to secure the funds for it) I got
pregnant and had my first child, who was premature and needed a lot of care,
so from then on I had to work from home (especially since her sister
followed two years later). So I took on some scientific translation
assignments from Max Planck and my old university, where they already knew
I'm into languages. They didn't pay much, but at least I could claim some
experience. I then started working for BASF (where I knew some people, that
always helps) and Time Life, translating a few popular science books, and
teaching languages at a private school, before I went to live in the USA for
8 years, working mostly in the software industry (and still doing some
translations on the side). Back in Germany, I was hired as a translator by a
software company, and when I'd had it with them a few years later, I started
freelancing again. That was two years ago.

To tell you the truth - there were times when I didn't have the experience
they were asking, but I knew I could do it as well as anyone, so I did...
er... exaggerate a little about my experience here or there. I've never
disappointed a customer so far, so I guess it wasn't too much of a crime.
And now forget I even said this... ;-)

Still, besides what you will be able to claim, you really DO need a lot of
experience to do the job well. So I suggest you don't start with the big
agencies you named, but start looking for a) businesses as direct customers,
and b) small local agencies who won't expect too much experience from you.
You'll probably be asked to do a sample translation anyway, which also helps
you find out for yourself whether this is really what you want to do.

Of course, I have no idea where you are located or what your background is;
in Germany, and probably most of Europe, you would either have to get a
degree in languages first, or get a university degree in a specialized area
(SciTech, law, economy, etc.) and take it from there.

Good luck.!!
Gabriele Kahn

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