LL-L "History" 2004.03.01 (03) [E]

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Mon Mar 1 23:38:08 UTC 2004

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From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2004.03.01 (01) [E]

At 09:42 AM 03/01/04 -0800, Brooks, Mark wrote:
>Several years ago I was reading something about Guyana, and much to my
>surprise I learned that they had a relatively large population (at least it
>seemed large to me) of Hindus.  As I checked into it, I learned that much
>like they did elsewhere the British brought in many Indians to their
>far-flung colonies.  Perhaps, there was some mutual contact in the region.
>Just a thought.

Since major economic troubles that have arisen since independence, large
numbers have left, including one of my very best friends, who is also my

According to http://geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/9253/History.html, East
Indians came to Guyana as indentured workers beginning at the beginning of
the 19th century.

Probably locally many Dutch and French influences on the language, which is
very hard to distinguish from Trinidadian and other Caribbean dialects.  I
should ask my friend.

Ed Alexander, Hamilton, Canada

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