LL-L "Songs" 2004.03.24 (06) [E/LS/German]
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Wed Mar 24 22:53:47 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.MAR.2004 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Jan Strunk <strunkjan at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2004.03.23 (01) [E]
I've just searched the internet to find related "Hoppe, Hoppe, Reiter"
Here are the results:
Inzwischen befinden wir uns bereits bei Nr. 2 des Programms; Appelschnut ist
zu Pferde gestiegen. Das Pferd bin ich. Die Aufgabe besteht nun darin, die
Literatur der Reiterlieder zu durchhopsen, zum Beispiel »Hoppe hoppe
Reiter« und »Hopp hopp Reiterlein« und so weiter, eine väterliche Leistung,
die nur derjenige würdigen kann, der weiß, was Embonpoint heißt. Dabei gibt
es Literaturwerke, die mindestens sechsmal wiederholt werden müssen, zum
Zuck zuck zuck noh Möhlen
Roswitha sitt op't Föhlen,
Trudel op de bunte Koh
Un Rasmus op'n Swanz bitoo.
Rid wi all noh Möhlen.
»Goden Dag, Froo Möllerin,
Wo sett wi unsen Sack denn hin?«
»Buten op de Trepp,
Mang all de bunten Säck'.
Morgen geiht de Möhl;
Denn geiht se: Rumpumpel rumpumpel
rumpumpel rumpumpel.«
(in infinitum.)
To Moel
Hutt Hutt hutt na Moeleken,
Hanne op dat Foeleken,
Wite op de bunte Koh -
So rid se beid na Moelken to.
Hotte nach der Mühlen,
Johann auf dem Füllen,
Luischen auf der bunten Kuh -
So reiten sie beide der Mühle zu.
Haven't found more....
Best greetings!
Jan Strunk
jstrunk at stanford.edu
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs
Thanks a lot, Jan. Good one!
I know the German song "Hoppe hoppe Reiter" quite well from my childhood,
and in the meantime I have delighted many a child with it, including
children who didn't understand the words. :-)
Hoppe, hoppe Reiter!
Wenn er fällt, dann schreit er,
Fällt er in den Graben,
Fressen ihn die Raben,
Fällt er in den Sumpf,
Macht der Reiter plumps!
(Yes, there are many versions of this, but this is the one I know). My
Hop, hop, hop, hop, rider.
Should he fall, he'd cry.
Should he fall into the ditch
The ravens would eat him.
Should he fall into the swamp
The rider'd take a tumble!
You sit a child on your knees, facing you, bobbing him or her up and down,
holding his or her hands (or bracing him or her with your hands on his or
her back if he or she is very little). At the sound of the last word of the
last line you let his or her back fall backward, giving him or her the
"scare" of the tumble (which all kids love).
It isn't terribly different from an Mother Goose rhyme:
A farmer went trotting
Upon his gray mare;
Bumpety, bumpety, bump!
With his daughter behind him,
So rosy and fair;
Lumpety, lumpety, lump!
A raven cried "Croak!"
And they all tumbled down...
Jan, I hope you don't mind me providing English "translations" for the
benefit of Angie and others who don't understand.
(Lowlands Saxon / Low German)
> Zuck zuck zuck noh Möhlen
> Roswitha sitt op't Föhlen,
> Trudel op de bunte Koh
> Un Rasmus op'n Swanz bitoo.
> Rid wi all noh Möhlen.
> »Goden Dag, Froo Möllerin,
> Wo sett wi unsen Sack denn hin?«
> »Buten op de Trepp,
> Mang all de bunten Säck'.
> Morgen geiht de Möhl;
> Denn geiht se: Rumpumpel rumpumpel
> rumpumpel rumpumpel.«
> Trotting to the mill,
> Roswitha sitting on the foal,
> Trudel (= Gertrud(e)) on the spotted cow
> And Rasmus on the tail behind.
> We’re riding to the mill.
> ”Good day, Mrs. Miller.
> Where should we put the bag?”
> ”Outside on the stairs,
> Among all the colored bags.
> The mill will run tomorrow.
> That’s when it will go “Rumble, rumble,
> Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble ...”
(Lowlands Saxon / Low German)
Hutt Hutt hutt na Moeleken,
Hanne op dat Foeleken,
Wite op de bunte Koh -
So rid se beid na Moelken to.
(The same in German)
Hotte nach der Mühlen,
Johann auf dem Füllen,
Luischen auf der bunten Kuh -
So reiten sie beide der Mühle zu.
Trotting to the mill ("millie"),
Joanie on the (little) foal (~ filly),
Roswitha/Lisa on the spotted cow.
That’s how we’re riding off to the mill.
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