LL-L "Technica" 2004.05.09 (05) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon May 10 04:50:00 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 09.MAY.2004 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: David Barrow <davidab at telefonica.net.pe>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2004.05.09 (04) [E]
>From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Technica
>Here's a question for the technically more savvy among you:
>Is there a (simple and inexpensive) way of converting cassette tape
>recordings to web-downloadable computer sound files? Needless to say I
>would hope that this would not result in vastly diminished sound quality.
>I have a bunch of Lowlands Saxon (and also Yiddish) sound recordings, some
>of which I would love to share, and some of which are of people that have
>passed on since. Also, I find it easier to record my own voice on tape
>(with one of those better portable recorders) than directly to a harddrive.
>(Also, for some strange reason I always get feedback and echoes when I
>record to the computer, no matter how much fiddling and tweaking I do.)
>Thanks for thinking about it and for letting me know. This may be
>information others on the List would appreciate too. It would be
>particularly handy to have if some of us want to present sound files for
>10th anniversary, as has been requested.
>Thanks and regards,
Hi Ron,
There's all sort of stuff at this site
Most of the software is shareware, but there is a fair amount of freeware
From: Alfred Brothers <alfredb at erols.com>
Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2004.05.09 (04) [E]
Ron wrote:
>Is there a (simple and inexpensive) way of converting cassette tape
>recordings to web-downloadable computer sound files? Needless to say I
>would hope that this would not result in vastly diminished sound quality.
I've done this many times transferring music and spoken texts from LPs
-- first to cassette tape, then to the computer hard drive, and
ultimately to CDs. It's simply a matter of plugging a tape deck into the
"audio in" of your computer's sound card/system. The tape deck need not
be connected to a separate stereo system; it plays directly through your
computer's speakers. There are several programs you can then use to
record from the audio tape. I use "Midisoft AudioWorks," but there are
many others. The quality is excellent, i.e., as good as it is on tape.
If there is any deterioration, it is hardly noticeable.
The texts you have in Low Saxon and Yiddish would be of great interest
to me and, I'm sure, others on the list. Feel free to write me privately
if you need assistance in transferring the files.
Alfred Brothers
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Technica
Thanks a million for the help (above), David and Alfred! I might take you
up on your kind offer if need be, Alfred.
Thanks again, and friendly regards,
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