LL-L "Terminology" 2004.05.20 (04) [E]
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Thu May 20 17:44:38 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 20.MAY.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: semantics
> From: Heiko Evermann <Heiko.Evermann at gmx.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Signs" 2004.05.19 (12) [E]
> In Denmark they have roadsigns to warn ...
Names can be funny, especially when read in another language. But things can
be very confusing too, when semantic differences for similar but not
identical situations occur for a same name.
For a project, I'm momentarely doing, I had to get my aiport car driving
licence urgently a couple of weeks ago. The customer had set-up an intensive
individual training before noon, and I passed my exam for the airport
autorities in the afternoon (with just one error, mixing up some distances
to keep, but this was fortunately within the allowable error range).
I had some difficulties to adjust some terms in my mind.
For our normal road traffic code, "traffic" is basically going on on the
road and "manoeuvring" refers to something special, as e.g. getting on the
road by driving one's car carefully backward out of a generally quite small
Belgian garage.
On the Brussels airport airside:
- the "aire de manoeuve / manoeuvreerterrein" just corresponds to the air
traffic zones (runways and taxiways)
- the traffic area "aire de trafic / verkeersterrein" corresponds mainly to
the aprons with staging areas.
Since one thinks in term of planes, the semantics is completely reversed as
to what one (at least what I) intuitively would expect. So for me it meant
quite some effort in the beginning for not getting confused.
I guess it may have some consistency though with car driving, since the
"service drives" are generally in the second zone, except where they cross
or underpass taxiways and runways.
After all it's something I have to adjust for everytime when I start with a
new project. Every company has its own jargon, and it is very important, for
being understood, that one absorbs rapidly the vocabulary with the
customer-own semantics.
I remember for Monsanto (Springfield, Mass & Antwerp) "dedicated mechanics"
were mechanics assigned to a particular plant, while "pool mechanics"
belonged to a common pool, shared by different plants on a same site. I used
the term "dedicated" elswhere in process for choosing between central and
decentral responsibility assignments, and I felt immediately that this term
didn't do. Just for giving another example.
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