LL-L "Resources" 2004.05.20 (07) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu May 20 19:05:37 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 20.MAY.2004 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Resources

Dear Lowlanders,

LINGUIST, our server host, is running a proposal by the owners of all hosted
lists.  Before I respond I would like to elicit your feedback and
suggestions (since I prefer to run the List as "democratically" as
possible).  Please respond in the form of postings to the List under
"Resources."  Tell us whether or not you are in favor of the idea and, if
you are, which of the suggested fields of interest you favor and which ones
to add.  Please read the copied letter below to find out what this is about.
I would like to get back to them in early June.

Mathieu and I (please read my "Administrativa" message to follow shortly)
will do our best to compile and summarize your responses.  So please be
patient with us.

Thank you so much for this and all other forms of support!

Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn
Founder & Administrator, Lowlands-L
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net


Dear List Owners,

Recently we received the recommendation that LINGUIST List publications
postings (such as new book releases and journal TOC -- Table of Contents --
announcements) may be beneficial to list members of other mailing lists,
particularly those that deal with more specific linguistic subfields or
subject languages/language families.  We instantly thought that this would
be a great idea, as the postings could potentially reach an even further
targeted audience and the list members would benefit by reading the
announcements specific to their interests.

In fact, with over 700 book postings being sent out in 2003 (and nearly 250
already posted this year), the LINGUIST List is quickly becoming the most
prominent source for announcing new linguistics publications.  We also have
33 supporting publishers, including almost every major linguistics
publisher, who send their book and journal announcements to the list.
However, with such a large number of book postings, we can obviously
understand why some of you may be hesitant to allow so many publications
messages through.

Therefore, the LINGUIST List would like to offer all list owners of mailing
lists we archive on our site the possibility of selecting which linguistic
subfields and/or subject language/language family classifications you feel
your readers would be most interested in.  The LINGUIST List will then only
send announcements of books and/or journal TOCs that match your
specifications.  The classification and editing of the messages will all be
done our site -- there should be no hassle for you, and your readers will
enjoy the benefits of being kept up to date with the latest in linguistics

If you are interested in this new feature, please select the linguistics
subfields you feel will be most beneficial to your mailing list from the
following list.  Also include any subject language or language families
specific to the interests of your list.  Send this message, along with the
name of your list and any other suggestions, to Marisa Ferrara
<marisa at linguistlist.org>.  If we receive enough of a response, we will go
ahead with implementation of the facility and hopefully be able to begin the
mailings in January 2005.


Anthropological Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Cognitive Science Computational Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Forensic Linguistics
General Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
History of Linguistics
Language Acquisition
Language Description
Ling & Literature Linguistic
Theories Morphology
Philosophy of Language
Writing Systems

*If you have any questions regarding our classification system,
please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your time,


Marisa Ferrara
Research Assistant

* Please submit postings to lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org.
* Postings will be displayed unedited in digest form.
* Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies.
* Commands for automated functions (including "signoff lowlands-l") are
  to be sent to listserv at listserv.linguistlist.org or at

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