LL-L "Word play" 2004.05.27 (01) [E]

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Thu May 27 14:52:18 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 27.MAY.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Word play" 2004.05.26 (01) [E]


I can add one to your list that I actually saw myself many times (and maybe
Ron did, too, depending on how far south he ventured from Seattle). If you
drive north between Salem and Portland, Oregon, you will pass the grounds of
a company to your right who manufacture instant lawn - those big rolls of
sod that you can simply roll out in your back yard and be done with it. They
have put up two big signs next to the freeway: "We're Easy To Get A Lawn
With" and "We Just Keep Rolling A Lawn". Ouch!

While we're being semi-frivolous... you have probably all received several
of those spam mails by now where somebody from Africa, usually Nigeria,
promises you millions of dollars if you give him access to your bank
account? Well, I got one yesterday that really made me laugh out loud. Check
the following paragraph:

"I am moved to write you this letter considering my present circumstance,
as I managed to escape to the Netherlands, in Europe for safety, while my
mother and two sisters escaped to Abidjan, Cote Divorce to settle."

I wonder whether Reno, Nevada will like the competition?

Gabriele Kahn

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