LL-L "Holidays" 2004.10.31 (08) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Nov 1 02:45:31 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 31.OCT.2004 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Henry Pijffers <henry.pijffers at saxnot.com>
Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2004.10.30 (05) [E]

Ron wrote:
> Henry:
>> Ron, isn't Beltane a summer festival, celebrated on May 1 (or on May 5
>> in older times)?
> That's correct.  It is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere when
> Samhain is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere.
Ah, didn't think of that, the souther hemisphere. However, are there any
Celtic or other people living in the souther hemisphere, celebrating
Beltane? Just wondering...


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Holidays


> Ah, didn't think of that, the souther hemisphere.

Aha!  You'd better get used to the thought that we have people from all over
the world on this list, that this is springtime for some while it's getting
cold in your area, and that there are some that will never see fall leaves,
snow, etc.

I try to keep this in mind at all times, and I suggest we all do.  We may be
concentrating on the good, old Lowlands in Europe, but this land, like few
others, has sent its children to all "corners" of the world and is of
interest to many other people virtually anywhere.

Perhaps I am more aware of this because I've lived in both hemispheres, as
have our friends Tom MacRae, Críostóir Ó Ciardha and a few others, and I
have also lived in the tropics, where there are no seasons of the sort
people in colder climes are used to.


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