LL-L "Anniversary" 2004.11.02 (05) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Nov 2 17:44:00 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 02.NOV.2004 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Those of you who have not yet voted which story to use for our anniversary
project (with sound files) have less than two hours before the voting booth
closes at 8:00pm (20:00) Greenwich Mean Time, i.e., 9:00pm (21:00) in most
of Western Europe, 3:00pm (15:00) on the US East Coast, 12:00pm (12:00) US
West Coast, 4:00am (04:00) East Asia & Western Australia), 6:00pm (06:00)
Australian East Coast, 6:00pm (18:00) Brazil.
I will announce the result after the deadline.
Below is a recap.
P.S.: U.S.citizens, and I hope you'll vote in the federal election today
while you're at it! Do us all a favor!
Lowlands-L will celebrate its tenth anniversary in late April of 2005, and
we a planning an activity to mark or celebrate the event. The general
suggestion is to create a clickable map with links to dialect/language
version of a story with an accompanying sound version for each or most of
them. One of the stories being considered the a Lowlands Saxon (Low German)
folktale, "The Wren," of which I have numerous version at this site:
http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/low-saxon/ls-story.html .
I suppose we'd revamp it if we end up choosing it. Mathieu's alternative is
the "North Wind and the Sun" story, of which there is a Norwegian-centered
example here: http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/nos/nos_kart.html
Yeah, Mathieu. We'll have to come to a decision regarding the choice of
stories. I would go with either story. Why don't we do a quick vote? In
order to open it up to all subscribers without giving away the identity of
those who prefer to be unknown lurkers, I suggest that everyone willing to
vote send a message to the administrative address
<lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net> with only "STORY CHOICE" in the subject line
(which allows me to route them to a special folder). In the text please
indicate which of the stories you prefer:
To: lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
As a matter of policy and upon my word of honor, your identity will be safe
with me and the rest of the administrative team. So, if you are a lurker,
please vote anyway.
Since some people don't check their mail everyday, I'm making the deadline
the evening of Tuesday, November 2.
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