LL-L "Traditions" 2004.11.22 (05) [E/LS]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Nov 22 22:45:04 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 22.NOV.2004 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Arend Victorie <victorie.a at home.nl>
Subject: St Maarten
Moi Ron,
Bij oonz in Drenthe wordt nog altied mit St Maarten deur de kiender langs de
deuren 'eleurd umme zo veul meugelijk snuupgoed bij mekaar te gaarn. En dat
bint niet kiender mit een katholieke achtergrond. Nee, alle kiender doet
dat. Ai now gereformeerd, Hervormd, Lutheraan of wat ok bint.
En dan zingt zij dit varsie.
Sunt Meerten, Sunt meerten.
De koeien hebben steerten
de maagies die hebt rokkies an.
Daor komp Sunt Martines an.
Maor de tekst wordt now al meer in 't Nederlands zungen.
'Elf november is de dag,
dat mijn lichtje, dat mijn lichtje,
Elf november is de dag,
dat mijn lichtje branden mag'.
Vrogger leupen de kiender mit een uutgeholde suukerbiete deur 't dorp.
Now is dat miestal een lampion die in de winkel of op schoele maakt wordt.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Traditions
Of course, we ought not forget that there is also the Martinmas goose that
is supposedly eaten in revenge of the goose whose screaming gave away Martin
of Tour's hiding place. So there's another bird connection, perhaps another
added layer.
On another note, consider the similarity of a Venetian Martinmas Song with
those of the Lowlands:
Oh, che odori de pignata!
Se magnè bon pro ve fazza,
Se ne de del bon vin
cantaremo San Martin.
San Martin n'Ã manda qua
Perché ne fe la carità ,
Anca lu, co'l ghe n'aveva
Carità ghe ne faceva.
Fe atenzzion che semo tanti
E fame gavemo tuti quanti.
Stè atenti a no darne poco,
Perché se no stemo qua un toco!
Oh, what aroma from the pots!
Good health to you if you get to eat!
If you give to us some tasty wine
We'll sing St. Martin songs for you.
St. Martin has dispatched us to come
For you to practice charity.
When he had wanted for no thing
He practice charity as well.
Watch out, for there's a bunch of us,
And we’re all hungry, too.
Beware! Don't give us just a bit,
Or else we’ll be here for a while!
There's a site offered by the Diocese of Trier, with lots of stuff that
relates to Martinmas traditions, especially in Germany:
Martinsvögel (St. Martin´s birds)
These „birds†appear in children´s riddles of the sheaf-offering in the
fields. In the 14th century, a brotherhood of knights was called „St.
Martin´s birdsâ€. In colloquial speech, the name stands for the ladybird, the
goose, the black or the spotted woodpecker.
Here's a nice presentation about Martinmas in Yorkshire, with references to
other traditions:
From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2004.11.22 (04) [E]
Actually, my daughters and I sometimes sing a version of "The Cutty Wren" at
medieval markets... here's one I got from the Internet, which comes pretty
close. Sometimes, instead of "Festle to Fose" you find "vassal to foe"; I
don't know which version is more authentic, and which one is just a
Gabriele Kahn
The Cutty Wren
Where are you going, says Milder to Malder
Where are you going, says Festle to Fose
We may not tell you. says the younger to the elder
Out to the green wood, says John the Red Nose
What shall we do there, says Milder to Malder
What shall we do there, says Festle to Fose
We may not tell you, says the younger to the elder
Hunt for the Cutty Wren, says John the Red Nose
How shall we shoot her, says Milder to Malder
With bows and with arrows, says Festle to Fose
That will not do then, says the younger to the elder
With big guns and knives then, says John the Red Nose
How shall we cut her up, says Milder to Malder
WIth forks and with knives, says Festle to Fose
That will not do then, says the younger to the elder
With hatchets and with cleavers, says John the Red Nose
How shall we cook her, says Milder to Malder
With pots and with pans, says Festle to Fose
That will not do then, says the younger to the elder
With a bloody big brass cauldron, says John the Red Nose
Who'll get the spareribs, says Milder to Malder
Who'll get the spareribs, says Festle to Fose
We may not tell you, says the younger to the elder
Give 'em all to the poor then, says John the Red Nose
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