LL-L "Image" 2004.10.02 (04) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sat Oct 2 19:17:07 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 02.OCT.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: john feather <johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Image
In her struggle to present an acceptable picture of her country-persons
Gabriele wrote: "the German public in general is so extremely
un-militaristic that most people more or less forget that we still have an
army at all - it plays no role whatsoever in day-to-day life, and neither do
militaristic patterns of behaviour." So much so, it appears, that they
wouldn't recognise a military rank if they heard it! Leaving aside the
question of why, with such short memories they should be so offended by the
use of a para-military rank which existed only for a decade or so and 60
years and more ago, I was a bit worried about the shock which our bicyclists
might experience when confronted by a large Panzer on Lüneburg Heath. Isn't
this still the largest tank-training area in Western Europe?
It also popped into my head that it was on Lüneburg Heath that Montgomery
accepted the surrender of German (the British media often say "Nazi" but we
must be precise) forces in 1945. The interesting linguistic point here is
that Montgomery was very fond of sporting metaphors - "Hitting the Germans
for six" - a reference to a big hit in cricket. The Nazis also liked them,
boxing being the preferred source.
John Feather CS johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Image
John (above):
> I was a bit worried about the shock which our bicyclists
> might experience when confronted by a large Panzer on Lüneburg Heath.
> this still the largest tank-training area in Western Europe?
Yes, but the only tanks I ever personally watched uprooting the heather and
tearing up road surfaces in all my years were British ones. However, I
acknowledge that this was a while back, when I was still living in the
British occupation zone. My half-brother, a retired Bundeswehr officer,
tells me that more recently German and other forces have joined the British
ones in this pursuit.
At any rate, "guys," perhaps one of you will have it in him/her to forego
the last word on this topic. John may well have a point in saying that I
should not have made an issue of this in the first place, and I apologize to
Bill who, I'm sure, had meant no harm. Just accept that people have
different perceptions and sensitivities about this sort of thing, that words
come loaded in different ways for different people and that this cannot
necessarily be discussed away. One of the purposes of this list is an
exercise in coming together. While historical events are not off-limits, it
may not be such a good idea to casually drop loaded buzz words and
challenging people's sensitivities, no matter how irrational or
well-deserved these sensitivities may seem to others.
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