LL-L "Language proficiency" 2004.10.18 (04) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Oct 18 17:52:40 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 18.OCT.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: burgdal32admin <burgdal32 at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Science" 2004.10.13 (10) [E]
> I read the English references given by Ron but I presume they come to
> the same conclusion. The problem, or solution, is not what the studies
> say but what you believe. I have 'had' to learn 4 languages in my
> life.
> I believe that I am better off, but I am not convinced that I am really
> better off than my old schoolmates, most of whom are contentedly
> monolingual. It is belief, not language learning, that is more potent.
> (I wish somone could show me the errors of my ways - I would like to
> believe that all this language learning had some advantage.)
> Regards,
> Tom
Hi Tom,
Living around several boarders, we had to learn some languages:
Flemish to start with, Dutch at the age of tree, French at the age of
ten, at fourteen English, and at 15 German. It was all in the
schoolsysteme for pupils untill 18 yaers of age. Later i managed to
learn some Spanish.
And i love it all!
I definetly believe i am better off.
At home we have all the official networks of televisionstations of the
(surrounding) countries: U.K, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain,
Italy, CNN,...(including our own networks). I am very happy to be able
to see some aspects of the different cultures, ... In Flanders people
can go to the theatres and see plays in
Flemish/Dutch/English/French/sometimes German. All films are in their
original language. ...
So yes, we know what's going on in the different countries. It didn't
help me to be better off in my 'earnings', but i am more than pleased
with our schoolsysteme that has made it possible to meet other cultures.
When i discuss things with a Frenchman/Englishman/American... most of
the time they do not know what lives/happens in the countries where
people speak another language.
luc vanbrabant
From: Heinrich Becker <Heinrich.Becker at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language proficiency" 2004.10.17 (09)
Hello to Ingmar and Reinhard,
the idea is so funny, I can't laugh any more. But Ingmar hopes of fame
could be too early.
Using of Middelsprake wont help her either, for she is not short on words in
Swedish. It's the pronounciation with a heavy foreign accent, though Silvia
is speaking some different latin languages. A logopedical treatment seems to
be a better recommandation.
Could be interesting to find out, why such a gifted person has problems in
pronounciation. One explanation could be, she was about 30 years old, when
she became Queen of Sweden.
I'm sure, Royal Court in Stockholm will not accept our aids....
Never give up!
Heinrich Becker
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language proficiency
> I'm sure, Royal Court in Stockholm will not accept our aids....
Don't be too sure! After all, the Scandinavian royals are well known for
their openmindedness and accessibility.
And how can you be sure Queen Silvia doesn't already know about you
guys and your Middelsprake? For all you know, she may be your secret
admirer, an ardent Middelsprake fan. If she doesn't follow the thread in
our archives, she might be among our lurkers (the silent majority of
Lowlanders). She wouldn't be the only famous person on the List. You
never really know, and Sandy, Mathieu and I aren't talkin'. So watch what
you're saying!
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