LL-L "Anniversary" 2004.10.25 (04) [E/LS]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Oct 25 15:42:40 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 25.OCT.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Mathieu. van Woerkom <Mathieu.vanWoerkom at student.ru.nl>
Subject: Anniversary
Citeren Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
> have there been any suggestions for l-lowlands anniversary
> celebrations? How about soundbites of people reading the
> lowlands introduction in whatever dialect they usually speak.
> I'd love to hear some of the dialects after having only seen
> them written in print. I don't know if this would be
> a mammoth project and much too difficult - I'm a bit of a
> dunce when it comes to technical things, but I could imagine
> a map which you click on and hear the local dialect. All it
> needs (ahem) is for people to send recordings
> of themselves with the exact location of where they're from
> or which area dialect their accent most closely resembles.
I think Gary is right, it would be a great idea to do such a thing.! I can
for instance remember a website which offers a short story in different
Norwegian dialects: http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/nos/nos_kart.html
(Nordavinden og sola). This clickable map could be a good example for
I do think that it would be interesting to hear the same story in
different languages, so you can hear the differences and similarities
between Lowlandic languages and dialects.
We could choose The Wren, or maybe the short story on this Norwegian
website is nice to (because it is smaller). I can remember once hearing a
Limburgish version of this story as well, so appearantly it is known in
other countries as well.
About the technical side of the story: I'm pretty sure that mp3 is the
best format to put sound on the web, I should be able to create an mp3
file from any digital recording. I have no idea, however, how to
digitalize cassette tapes.
And Ron, of course I would be glad to make the clickable map for our
I hope we could find enough people to cooperate. it would be a great
project to celebrate the LL-L anniversary, if you ask me...
From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at worldonline.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2004.10.24 (07) [E]
't Tuunkroepertien had zien nust ebouwd in 't achterhuus.
Op 'n keer waren allebeide de oldeluui uut-evleugen um wat èten veur de
jonchies te halen
- en ze hadden heur hummelties glad allennig thuus elaoten.
Nao 'n toertien komp de va weer bij huus.
"Wat is hier dan an de haand?" zeg e. "Wie hef oe wat edaone, kiender, da'j
ja hielemaole schrikkerig bint?"
"Och Va," zegt ze, "D'r kwam hier krek zo'n dikke bullebak veurbij, die zag
d'r zo gemien en grouwelik uut.
Hij gaapte mit zien grote ogen zo oens nussien binnen. En doar bint wij zo
benauwd veur ewörden."
"Zo," zeg de va. "Woar is e dan hen?"
"Nou," zegt ze "Hij is die kaanten uut egaone."
"Wach ie mar iens èempes," zeg de va, "ik gao d'r drekt achterheer. Stille
mar, kiender. Ik zal 'm wel kriegen..."
En hij vlug d'r achterhen.
As e de hoek um komp löp doar de leeuw.
Mar 't tuunkroepertien is niet bange uut-evallen. Hij giet bij de leeuw op
de rogge zitten en begunt 'm uut te schelden.
"Wat he'j bij mij bij 't nust te zuken, ieje?!" zeg e hellig "en mien
jonchies benauwd te maken?!"
De leeuw trek 'm d'r niks van an en löp gewoon wieder asof e niks eheurd
Nou begunt dat klein krummeltien nog hetsiger an te gaon.
"Ie hebt doar niks te zuken, zeg ik oe! En a'j nog iens weer duurt te
kommen," zeg e "dan zu'j 't wel marken!
Ik doe 't niet geern - en hij hold zien iene pootien in de locht- "mar aans
mu'k oe de rogge deur de midden trappen!"
Doarnao vlug e weer op zien nust an.
"Zo kiender," zeg e. "Dat he'k hum mooi of-eleerd. Die krie'w hier nooit
weer te ziene!"
Ingmar Roerdinkholder, South Western Drenthe dialect of Lower Saxon
> > R. F. Hahn :
> > Subject: Anniversary
> >
> > Thanks, Ingmar.
> >
> > A taped reading would be better than none. You could send it to whoever
> > ends up volunteering for the sound part.
> >
> > Before that you ought to translate the story in writing and send it to
> > so I can add it to the collection.
From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at worldonline.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2004.10.24 (07) [E]
Corrections: "èempes" should be "èempies" (Dutch eventjes) and I forgot the
"..."s in _ ik doe 't niet geern _
I was first thinking of making a poem of this story, but maybe all the
versions should be more or less alike
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Thanks a lot, Ingmar and Mathieu.
Mathieu, your suggestion of using the story "The North Wind and the Sun" is
very interesting in that it has been translated into numerous language
varieties already. If I am not mistaken, it has been used by the
International Phonetic Association for decades. The advantage is that it
allows plugging into the international effort. The disadvantages are that
we don't know what has already been done (so we might duplicate efforts) and
it would require new translation efforts on our part. The advantage of the
"Wren" story is that it is a Lowlands tale and quite a few of us have
contributed versions of it already.
We'll need some kind of vote on this, perhaps a rough "referendum," or an
"executive decision." This is why we need a committee. So far, it consists
of Mathieu van Woerkom, Gary Taylor, John Baskind and myself. We could do
with two or three more volunteers and then make a decision.
For the sake of the new Lowlanders who have been joining us during the past
few days (Welcome!) I'll explain what is going on here (and it will be of
special interest to at least one of them, being interested in phonology).
Lowlands-L will celebrate its tenth anniversary in late April of 2005, and
we a planning an activity to mark or celebrate the event. The general
suggestion is to create a clickable map with links to dialect/language
version of a story with an accompanying sound version for each or most of
them. One of the stories being considered the a Lowlands Saxon (Low German)
folktale, "The Wren," of which I have numerous version at this site:
http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/low-saxon/ls-story.html .
I suppose we'd revamp it if we end up choosing it. Mathieu's alternative is
the "North Wind and the Sun" story, of which there is a Norwegian-centered
example here: http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/nos/nos_kart.html
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