LL-L "Lexicon" 2004.10.28 (02) [E]
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Thu Oct 28 17:09:16 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 28.OCT.2004 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: jpkrause <jpkrause at sunflower.com>
Subject: Lexicon
>From: Henry Pijffers <henry.pijffers at saxnot.com>
>Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2004.10.27 (04) [E/LS]
>Reinhard wrote:
>>Do you use _snakken_ for 'to speak' in Twente, too?
>No, we usually say "köjeren". Or "spraekken" sometimes. If you say
>"praoten", people assume that you're not fluent in Twents.
>From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Lexicon
>>>Do you use _snakken_ for 'to speak' in Twente, too?
>>No, we usually say "köjeren". Or "spraekken" sometimes. If you say
>>"praoten", people assume that you're not fluent in Twents.
>Aha! Just as I suspected. This is another bit of information that
>the assumption that the dialects of Twente are related to those that are
>known as "Westphalian" on the German side of the border.
I always wondered about that. In my Mennonite dialect, one has a choice
between snake (Ekj snak Plautdietsch.) and räde. (Jo, ekj kaun
Plautdietsch räde.) Sproakj refers to the language itself. So I
surmise Ron's supposition applies here too, not?
Jim Krause.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon
Morje, Jim!
> So I
> surmise Ron's supposition applies here too, not?
I guess so if what you mean is that Plautdietsch (i.e., Mennonite Lowlands
Saxon/Low German) has North Saxon traits rather than Westphalian or
Eastphalian ones.
_Reden_ (<räde(n)>) and _spreken_ (<spräke(n)>) for 'to speak' tends to
predominate in eastern dialects. To many of us in the North Saxon region
these sound like a Germanisms (associated with German _reden_ and
_sprechen_). We generally say _snakken_, except in a large part of the
Eastern Friesland and Groningen areas where they have noticeable Frisian
substrates and Dutch influences and generally say _praten_ (<praoten>).
_Köyern_, _küyern_, etc. predominate in the Westphalian area. I am not too
sure about the Eastphalian area and the adjoining closely related, though
officially Eastern (i.e., Southeastern) dialects of Brandenburg (surrounding
Berlin) and Saxony-Anhalt, but I think _reden_ and _spreken_ predominate
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