LL-L "Folklore" 2004.09.01 (15) [A/E]

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Wed Sep 1 23:32:23 UTC 2004

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From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: "Folklore" [E]

> From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2004.09.01 (01) [E]
> Liesbeth wrote:
> > tolkien's imagery is white=  good=black=evil.  Tolkien borm in
> > Bloemfontein , Zuudafrika.
> Tolkien's works are very much based on old Germanic myths, and this
> comes, of course, from the harsh seasons that prevailed in Northern
> White stands for the sun which gives light, warmth, and life, while black
> stands for the darkness, cold and bleakness of winter. This was way before
> central heating, electric light and supermarkets, and I daresay that
> much preferred a season where food was abundant and their infants didn't
> of starvation and exposure. This is especially true for Scandinavian
> countries were people had about four hours of sunlight per day.

I don't think it's necessary to get so symbolic, and also to remember that
the equation of darkness with evil is also found in Judaic religions and

In days before streetlights darkness was scary and dangerous (eg there were
robbers about and anyone else who was up to something they didn't want to be
caught at). This was used as an analogy - darkness was analogous to evil
because it was scary and gave cover to evil actions, light was analogous to
good because it revealed things as they really were, and (as Jesus, for
example, mentions) wherever there is light the darkness is easily overcome.

It's important always to remember that this is just an analogy - darkness
isn't _actually_ bad, light isn't _actually_ good, they're just simple
physical states. It's confusing the analogy with physicality that leads to
irrational nonsense such as the favoured dress of fictional villains, choice
of language in racist slander &c.



From: Ruth & Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2004.09.01 (01) [E]

Beste Liesbeth,

Subject: LL-L "Folklore"

> tolkien's imagery is white= « good»=»black=«evil».  Tolkien borm in
> Bloemfontein , Zuudafrika.

??? van 'n Tolkienis

Die Uwe,

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