LL-L "Language varieties" 2004.09.02 (09) [E/Middelsprake]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Sep 2 23:57:12 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 02.SEP.2004 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Mike <botas at club-internet.fr>
Subject: LL-L "Introduction" 2004.09.01 (13) [Middelsprake]
Ingmar wrote:
"Okso up dat website du kan finde meer over de sprake dat du lese nu,
"Middelsprake", de intergermanisch sprake dat
ig ha kreered,..."
When I began reading Ingmar´s introduction, I got more and more puzzled what
language it might be. Then, of course I saw the name "middelsprake". Very
interesting! I could read it without any difficulty, didn´t miss a single
word, reading it fluently. So it would seem that it is a brilliant success,
BUT: I may not be the right guy to judge on that, because I am fluent in
some of the "component" languages and know all of them to some extent. The
language should be tried on someone who is monolingual, but such person
might be hard to come by in the LLL. Ingmar, why don´t you do the experiment
and let us know the results?
Mid de hertlig gröte!
Mike Wintzer
From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: "Language varieties" [E]
> From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2004.09.01 (16) [E]
> So why should we assume that missionary monks of yore, who were scholars,
> after all, went less prepared than these modern high-school graduates?
> already spoke a second language, Latin, anyway - so maybe it is not
> mentioned anywhere that they prepared themselves by learning the language
> first, probably from a native teacher, because it goes without saying?
I have read somewhere, though, that St Columba used an interpreter when
proselytising Scotland, meaning that the Gaelic of Ireland wasn't mutually
intelligible with Pictish.
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