LL-L "Folklore" 2004.09.06 (01) [E/V/?]

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Mon Sep 6 16:54:42 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 06.SEP.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2004.09.05 (05) [V]

Liesbeth wrote:
> Mevrièéw Kahn,
>      Ja gij zijt recht over wadde ikke segde over den heêr profesor m'nier
> Tolkien, eind z'n werken. Den Profesor Tolkien, ikke acusert nie rasist
> zijn.  Ikke wed dadde zvart en blank in veele philosopie's dadde zvart is
> nie aoltid kwaod, enz.  Noôrds/ Germaonsche mythologie nie bruukt zvart as
> « dien Kwaod » eind « dien Swaorte ».  Snòrra Stúrluson kallde Hella «
> somber — dökku en Ljóssu — (mo nie kwaod).

Well, I think he had fewer problems with racism than with women... didn't
quite know what to do with them, did he? The few of them who do exist are
all a bit cliché... gentle and beautiful and all that... even the only true
protagonist among them, Eowyn, but she does it all for love... :-)

Hey, wait, there IS always Lobelia Baggins of the Sackville Bagginses!

Best regards,
Gabriele Kahn


From: Liesbethvlaomse at aol.com <Liesbethvlaomse at aol.com>
Subject: Tolkien en Spraok WV & S

Mevrièèw'n Gabriele en  Sandy,

Doe Ghy dadde-dier wadde Ge willwt zoll zyn  die ganze Wedd
Fay ce que Vouldras sira li tout de la Loy

     Javel, gij zijt recht over wadde ikke segde over den heêr profesor
m'nier Tolkien en over hoe die noôrdslan'n seêzen'n eind z'n werken.  Den
Profesor Heêr Tolkien, acusert ikke nie fan nen rasist zjn.  Ikke wed goeie
dadde zvart en blank in veele philosopie's dadde zvart is nie aoltid kwaod,
enz.  Terwil , leveikke in Noôrds Kalifornie , evenwel, was ikke buurt in
Kortrle der older godiin'n . Ikke heb las Snòrra Stúrulson en oôk vele
andere mythogie's.  Even zo, Den Profesor Heêr Tolkien, was eên fan der 20
die heêft overzedde den Jerusalem bibel en ingels. Nennieu Ingels
overzetting was it , in 1966 , in modern Ingels .  Me ganser haord ikke gij
groetje med ein aolle solidarité,ijk en levde in Frankriek as tien jaor.
Altzoô was mien vader Amerikanieske Luchlacht ofisier die g'huwd mien moer
die was fan uut naor Brugge.

         Noôrds/ Germaonsche mythologie nie g'bruukt zvart altzoô « dien
Kwaod » en « dien Zwaorte ».  Snòrra Stúrluson kallde Hella « somber —
Ljóssalfar  en dökkalfar— (mo nie kwaod) ».  Ikke zij hedenska eind ikke
aonbied Nehellenia, Holda, Frigga, Frijâ , Wodan eind Donnar en Kybellê en
vele der older Goddin.  Terwil, respect heb ikke vo dien Witte Kerst zij en
ikke nie Krisjan doch.

Liesbeth fan der Beldt
Maog Frigga vacht over Jouw kinders

P.D. — M'nièèr Vanbrabant , of wie dan oôk; voel fie m'n Vlaomsch corigeren,
AGB. Dank 'ie

Do what thou wilt shall be th heel o' th'Law

Guod Mie Lady Sandy.

         Ye'll ah tryst fergav mie eme Scotss is nae sah guid , but as can
ye sie , am ah traein.
Ye be raeht uver th fact thet Black i' nae necessarly end en thet daek be
nae necessarly guid.  AH dinna know whither oe nae Tolien were a rahcist ir
nae.  In Bloemfontein war he cairtanlie norn after thanglish had conauered
th Boers? Th anglish themslvs had a wee grand traditie of Racism en
Classicism.  Th indigenous fouk were simplie « wogs » tae them., «boy» nen
th lahk « nae quite human.  Tolkien movd tae briton when e were juist a wee
lad and were sent off tae public school where he could ha lernd much thet
soort otheing howe'er, on th' other hand, he immersed hisselv in Grieks,
Latein, and Anglo-Saxon studies.

         Aye ah'm well eno' vers'd thru scholarship an life tae know o' th'
North in Winter.  Winter , 'e can be a cruel an haerd taskmaster.  Ah were
norn in Belgium, in Kortrijk.  Mie Mum were a from near tae Bruge, but mie
Dad were an American Air Force Groep Captain, or colonel.  So We moved tae
Fontainebleau, a major NATO centre.  I lived there fer a ten year.

         A'h'm a heathen meslv an wership th oulde Gods :  Nehellenia, Dame
Holda, Frigge, Freo/Frijâ , Òðinn/Woden/Wodan, Thor/Donnar and Cybelê as
wella s many of the Elder Gods. I n the Levant and Mediterranean countries
it was the opposite the Sun was heat and death and night was of course and

It be mah seinsire heip thet Frigg will watch over yer wee ones or they be
older yer bairns.

Love be th Law , Love under Will
L'qmour est la Loy  , l'amour sous la Volonté
Bid is die Wedd , Bid ondir Wilde

In solidarity wi' Scottish Iindependenpence an haar people.

Liesbeth fan der Beldt

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