LL-L "Introduction" 2004.09.28 (04) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Sep 28 16:56:56 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 28.SEP.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Mike <botas at club-internet.fr>
Subject: LL-L "Introduction" 2004.09.25 (03) [E/LS]
Moin-moin, LLs,
Heini wrote:
I'll try my response bilingual. English first:
>>From my personal experience -and the environment I live in-
I have the impression that a lot of people who
used to be fluent in Platt were lingustically raped
(an interesting term, BTW) to some degree when they grew up.
Very many thanks, Heini, for the answer which - I am sure - is very
interesting not only to me.
Having all of my family still living in Buchholz, Hanstedt and Tostedt, I
can only corroborate your assessment of the situation (Sorry, Ron, for the
foreign spelling of the place names, I was left illiterate in my mother
HOWEVER: What strikes me most is the apparent indifference with which you,
Heini, confirm:
yes, you and me and our compatriotes were linguistically raped. Isn´t this a
HORRIBLE crime???
Shouldn´t this make us all angry, fuming mad, put us into a raging fury
about this gross injustice, this blatant violation of our human rights that
was, and IS BEING, done to us? And as a consequence make us DO something
about this, defend ourselves? These questions I not only address to you
personnally, Heini, I address them to all, in particular all Lowlanders, and
I have done so in the past on various occasions. The answers I receive
invariably had this tenor: Calm down, Mike, this is the way it is and little
can be done about it, some Sprachpflege, some plat in the schools, it´s not
all that black and white. Ladies and Gentlemen, I continue to disagree with
this attitude.
Mike Wintzer
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Introduction
Mike (above):
> Buchholz, Hanstedt and Tostedt, I can only corroborate your
> assessment of the situation (Sorry, Ron, for the foreign spelling
> of the place names, I was left illiterate in my mother tongue).
Nothing to be sorry about. After all, those are there German names, which
should be mentioned anyway, for otherwise people wouldn't find them on maps.
The Lowlands Saxon (Low German) versions:
Buchholz: Boukholt ~ Bookholt ['bo.UkhO.lt]
Hansted: Hanstedt ~ Hanst ['ha.nst(Et)]
Tostedt: Töst [tœst] ~ [tø:st]
So you seem to be a real _Heidjer_ (name of a native of the Lunenburg
Heath). Right?
I have relatives in Buchholz/Boukholt and Tostedt/Töst, too. Actually, I
lived in the former for 2-3 years before emigrating to Australia.
By the way, folks, if any of you is planning on visiting Northern Germany, I
recommend a tour of the Lunenburg Heath (German _Lüneburger Heide_, LS
_Lüünborger Hei(d')_, http://www.lueneburger-heide.de/, with English, French
and Spanish options). The northern part (G. Nordheide_, LS _Noordhei(d')_),
which is the one Mike and I have been talking about here, is easily
accessible from Hamburg/Hamborg. There are busses and trains, but you get
to see more of the less connected, often better preserved villages if you
drive. The Southern Heath (G. _Südheide_, LS _Süüdhei(d')_, ), which also
has a nice natural reserve
ks/suedheide/), can be toured from Celle.
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