LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.04.21 (03) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Apr 21 15:33:09 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 21.APR.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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From: Mike Morgan <Mike.Morgan at mb3.seikyou.ne.jp>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.04.17 (06) [E]
Just took a gander at some of the Wren stories. Great!
But one (three?) clarification(s) to Sandy's BSL transcription.
Sandy writes:
"This is a translation of the story in British Sign Language using the
international Sign Writing system".
No, this transcription uses SignWriting (ONE word, and it probably should
have the trademark symbol after it), which is not "_the_ international Sign
Writing system" (emphasis added) but "_A_ Sign writing system" (originating,
incidentally, in dance notation), which granted IS used internationally ...
but so are several others. (Hamnosys, from Hamburg, is perhaps the most
popular here in Japan, but personally I find both less than satisfactory
(both aesthetically and linguistically) ... and I use my own very
idiosyncratic and un-international Sign writing system.)
And both have home pages if any of Lowlanders are interested in making heads
or tails of Sandy's (wonderful!) rendition (I'll have to admit that, like
readers who have to mouth the words as they read, my hands and fingers were
twitching as I read the text!).
For SignWriting, the site is:
For Hamnosys, the site is:
And there probably should be a note on how to read the columns: probably
everyone assumes top to bottom, but living where I do, I am always tempted
to read vertical columns of text starting on the upper right, whereas most
"westerners" would start on the upper left.
Mike Morgan
I'm posting a lot today because I'm trying to put off grading a rather large
pile of papers I really should hand back to my students tomorrow.
Plus I'm feeling a bit guilty for not having made MY contribution to the
anniversary pages. I'm considering an OB/OCS translation (of which I guess
I'm about as native a speaker as the next guy :-)) and JSL ... though for
the latter, rather than a transcription, I would prefer (for accessibility
reasons: learning to read a transcription system takes a LOT of commitment!)
making an mpeg contribution (in the form of a series of files, each
representing a "paragraph" of text. A single file would be too large for my
email program to handle sending). Would an mpeg file be acceptable?
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Thanks for pointing that out, Mike. I'm currently at the clean-up stage.
It's quite likely that there are errors and omissions, and, being really
busy, I don't always catch those by myself. So any help is appreciated (as
are new submissions). Anyone can point them out to me by sending a note to
my private account.
It was I who wrote the intro to our Sandy's translation, not Sandy. I will
make the change as soon as I can get around to it.
I look forward to receiving your штуки, Mike.
And talking about omissions, apologies to our Gary (Taylor) for his personal
intro having appeared late (under "People"). It was not the only штука that
had fallen through the cracks in the wild pre-unveiling scramble, and
omission ought not be equated with lack of appreciation. As I mentioned
before, the preparations coincided with Mathieu, Henry and myself having
extraordinary things going on and being extraordinarily busy off the List.
So I appreciate everyone's forebearance -- which is not to say you should
halt your writing and recording projects. Please keep them going and
P.S.: For those who joined us this week let me add that we are talking about
our 10th anniversary web presentation:
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