LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.04.26 (08) [E/Middle English/Old French]

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Tue Apr 26 20:40:16 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 26.APR.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary

Auparavant écrit par le Monsor Arthur, un Gentilz Homme trez Admirable, de
grand Apprentissage et de la Gentillesse trez rare:

> The only link you left
> out was Lydian "raan", which survives todayonly in the "Rann of Kutch";
> meaning that a Ron was originally, and best, sung alone on a remote plain.
> ;-).

Rethorye for the Nones of Oure Xth Anniversayre

de Raginhard Hawne
   ~ Aussy largement connu comme
   Le Troubadour Humilyant de la Saxe Vraye ~

   ~ avec un glossarium adjouté
   pour l'advantage du novice ~


   A rerd, a rowste, a ron by hym soleyne
   Sung as a pleynt apon the vaste pleyne
   Was herd fer pleyn among the wolues-bonds
   And wolues-heeds y-spercled thurgh the londs,
   A medlee floc floc-mele gaderyng
   Fram fele plages sechyng faderyng,
   There rynges lederes stark, fayre hond
   To leden thwart there wong, there Laghelond,
   There ogen soken, ogen sayntuarye
   Ful murth and fele maner maysterye.
   Ten yeres prollyd they ou'r thwart the pleyne
   Carolyng rons nou samen, nan soleyne.
   There tonges and telynges owyng rounes vaste
   And tresores to whilk hy holden stedfast' faste.
   Grand mercy, thos, to sownes y-caryed fer
   Y-hyer'd by opyn ers and holdyn cher!


   anniversayre: anniversary
   bond: band
   caroling: dancing in a round, singing
   cher: dear
   er: ear
   faderyng: fathering
   faste: fast, tight
   fayre: fair, kindly
   fele: many, much
   fer: far; quite
   floc: flock, group, crowd
   floc-mele: in crowds
   fram: from
   ful: full
   gaderen: to gather
   grande mercy: many thanks
   herd: heard
   holden: (to) hold
   holdyn: held
   hond: hand
   hy: they
   hym: him
   laghe: low
   leden: to lead
   leder: leader
   lond: land
   maner: manner, sort, kind
   maysterye: mastery, success, skill
   medlee: many-colored, diverse
   murth: mirth
   nan: none, not, no
   nones: occasion
   nou: now
   ogen: own
   opyn: open
   ou'r thwart: all across, all over
   owyng: owning, having
   plage: shore, land, country
   pleyn: plain(ly), clear(ly)
   pleyne: plain
   pleynt: plaint
   prollyd: prowled, roamed in search
   rerd: voice, sound
   retorye: oration
   ron: song
   roune: rune, mystery
   rowste: voice
   ryng: round dance, round
   samen: together
   sayntuarye: sanctuary
   seche: seek
   soken: territory, precinct, shire
   soleyne: solitary, alone
   sowne: sound
   stark: strong
   stedfast(e): steadfast(ly)
   telynge: practice of magic, study, culture
   there: their
   thos: thus, therefore
   thurgh: through(out)
   thwart: across
   tonge: tongue, language
   tresor: treasure
   whilk: which
   wolues-heed: wolve's head, outlaw
   wong: meadow land, plain, territory
   y-caryed: carried
   yeres: years
   y-hyered: heard
   y-spercled: scattered

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