LL-L "Resources" 2005.04.28 (11) [E]

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Thu Apr 28 21:25:31 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 28.APR.2005 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Marsha Alley <marshaalley at msn.com>
Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2005.04.28 (08) [E]

Near's ah kin reckin, yor folks hailed fom but two cahnties 'n a few hollers
fom mahn.  'N thet old-timey music's down-home sure.

Thanks for steering me on to it, Mike.....happy listening!


Off topic P.S. to  Ron - try horseradish, a little sour cream and a dash of
salt and pepper on fresh corn kernals - YUM!  Also good mixed into tuna
  From: Mike Morgan <Mike.Morgan at mb3.seikyou.ne.jp>
  Subject: Blue Ridge Institute Site [E]

  Oh, as I often do, I forgot to even say what it was that go me started off
  talking about where my mother was from, etc.

  As I said, she's from Ferrum, VA, which is home to Ferrum Junior College
  it used to be Junior, a long time ago, and it's where my folks met).
  they are now host to the Blue Ridge Institute, specializing in Appalachian
  culture, and a Folklife Festival in the autumn. And their online site is
  located at:


  I haven't looked at it for some time (unitl I just remembered about it as
  was starting my "Delectables" email about mustard and collard greens), but
  quick glance shows that they currently have an online exhibition with some
  downloadable music (about 12 songs with lyrics and Real Audio downloadable
  files, and an equal number with just lyrics). Haven't downloaded any of
  yet (but plan to), so I don't know how "down-home" it is, but I'm sure
  of you, like me, would enjoy a gander and a listen to.


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