LL-L "Grammar" 2005.12.21 (08) [D/E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Dec 21 22:22:33 UTC 2005
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21 December 2005 * Volume 08
From: Brooks, Mark <mark.brooks at twc.state.tx.us>
Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2005.12.21 (03) [E]
Kevin said: " >I also only say /haf to/ in the sense of must. When I
say something like "I >have two of those," (even with the emphasis on
"have") the /v/ is voiced."
I agree. In fact I believe we're actually dealing with two
different verbs. There is have in the sense of possess, and there is hafto
in the sense of must. I really see them as different words entirely. Hafto
is pronounced as one word with the stress on the first syllable. "Have two"
are two different words, so there's no stress factor involved.
What are your thoughts?
Mark Brooks
From: Roland Desnerck <desnerck.roland at skynet.be>
Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2005.12.21 (03) [E]
Beste Lowlandertjes,
Misschien interessant mee te delen dat het Nederlands ook een woord kent
voor bezit, bezittingen, namelijk "have" in de uitdrukking: mijn have en
goed = alles wat ik bezit!
Toe tnoaste ki
Roland Desnerck, Oostende, West-Vlaanderen
From: heather rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2005.12.21 (03) [E]
Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>whereas a
written form should portray the way a language is
spoken and not the other way round.
Then all teenagers in the UK will be writing
there no good
or alternatively
they're friends like football
etc etc
Individually between friends , texting or in letters, write as you speak.
Otherwise education is all about learning the accepted standard of written
And that includes all those people whose attitude to life is " Why should
anyone tell me what to do" ........................
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