LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.02.10 (03) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Fri Feb 11 01:26:38 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 10.FEB.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From:  R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Administrativia

Dear Lowlanders,

Our anniversary web presentation project keeps progressing, thanks to many
of you and to some off-list friends.  My "old depository" is not yet up to
date but soon will be, while Mathieu, Henry, Ingmar, Kenneth and I have been
busy getting the "snazzy" new site organized -- and it promises to be nice,
yes, with sound files and all.

However, I feel "yous guys" need a bit of stirring up.  We definitely need
more personal introductions and more translations (and sound files).

Especially the English group of translations could do with a couple of shots
in the arm.  So far we have these ($ = translation exists, * = sound file

         Estuary $*
      Ocker $
      Cape Barren $
      Canadian $
      United States
            Eastern $*
               New England (New Hampshire) $*
               Appalachian $
            Western $
   Old English $*

As you can see, the European English representation is particularly pitiful,
at least quantitatively (while Gary's Estuary presentation makes up for some
of the scarcity).  It would be really nice to have at least one or two more
translations (preferably with sound files) of England English.  A Scottish
English one is important, if for nothing else then to demonstrate the
difference between Scottish English and Scots (which most people have no
idea about).  And Cornish, Welsh, Northumbrian, Hibernian and other dialects
would really be nice, also Asian varieties (such as Pakistani, Indian and
Malaysian/Singaporean English).

So, come on now!

For those of you who are new to this (or who have studiously ignored this so
far), there is a repeat of the gist of it below.

Here's what else we have:

((*) = sound file planned)

Afrikaans $

   Nederlands $ [Standard Dutch]
   Brabants [Brabatish]
      Rosmalen (NL) $
      Merchtem (B) $
   Zeêuws [Zeelandic]
      Kwadendamme $
      Oost-Souburg $
   Vestvlams $ [Western Flemish]

   (West) Frysk $ [Westerlauwer Frisian]
   Feering $ [Fehr/Föhr North Frisian]

   Algemein Limburgs $ [General Limburgish]
   Venlo (NL) $
   Mülheim an der Ruhr (D) $

Low Saxon
      Noordneddersassisch $(*) [North Saxon]
      Ollandsch $* [Altes Land]
      Oostfreesk $* [Eastern Friesland]
      't Grunnegers $ [Groningen]
         Veendam $
         Norg (Drenthe) $
      Mekelnborgsch $* [Mecklenburg]
      Plautdietsch [Mennonite Low Saxon]
         Khortitza $
         Molochna (1) $*
         Molochna (2) $
         Russlända Plaut (1) $
         Russlända Plaut (2) $
      Westföelsch $ [Westphalian]
      Mönsterländsk $ [Munsterland]
      Tweants $ [Twente]
      Achterhooks $* [Achterhoek]
      Drèents [Drenthe]
         Zuidwolde $*
         Hoogeveen $
         Norg (Drenthe) $
         Stellingwarfs $*  [Stellingwerven]
      't Grunnegers $ [Groningen]
         Veendam $
         Norg (Drenthe) $
   Plautdietsch [Mennonite Low Saxon]
      Khortitza $
      Molochna (1) $*
      Molochna (2) $
      Russlända Plaut (1) $   ["Russian Platt"]
      Russlända Plaut (2) $   ["Russian Platt"]
   Old Saxon $(*)

Scots $

      Hochdeutsch $
      Saarländisch $
      Missingsch $(*)
      יישיד $(*) [Yiddish]
   יישיד $(*) [Yiddish]
      Dansk $* [Danish]
      Vestjysk $* [Western Jutish)
      Synnejysk $* [Southern Jutish]
      Jamska $ [Jamtlandish]
      Svenska $* [Swedish]
      Cymraeg $ [Welsh]
      Kernowek $ [Cornish]
      Suomi $ [Finnish]
      Eesti $ [Estonian]
      Español (Castellano) $ [Spanish = Castilian] $
      Italiano $  [Italian]
      Français $ [French]
      Wallon $ [Walloon]
      Português [Portuguese]
         Português Europeu $* [European]
         Português do Brasil $* [Brazilian]
      Català $ [Catalan]
      Valencià $ [Valencian]
      Rumantsch (Grischun) $ [Rhaeto-Roman]
      Русский $ [Russian]
      Українська $ [Ukrainian]
      Српски $ [Serbian]
      Čeština $ [Czech]
      Polski $ [Polish]
     Ελληνικά $ [(Modern) Greek]
      中文 Zhongwen $ [Chinese, Mandarin]
      日本語 Nihongo $ [Japanese]
       한국한 Hangukmal $* [Korean]
      Bahasa Indonesia $ [Indonesian]
   (Native) American
      Qheswa, Qollansuyumanta $(*) [Bolivian Quechua]
      Interlingua $*
      Middelsprake $*

It could well be that there are a couple more sound files, but the ones
marked are those that I know of right now.


My old depository should be updated in a few days.




Let me remind you of our upcoming 10th anniversary (April/May 2005) and the
anniversary project we are putting together: a collection of translations of
a Lowlands Saxon (Low German) folktale in various Lowlands language
varieties (*any* varieties) and other languages, both reading and for
listening. You will find the raw material here:
http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/low-saxon/ls-story.html . But we will present
this elsewhere, jazzed up, and with sound. I'ts going to be really terrific.

Some subscribers have already contributed to this. Thanks to all of them.
Contribution recognition awards will be handed out later.

More is needed, folks! Besides translations and sound recordings, we need
subscribers' brief (1-3 paragraph) introductions, preferably with pictures,
but contributions without pictures will be gladly received too. Just
introduce yourselves, say where (in general) you live and originally come
from, what sorts of interests you have, and what your experiences and/or
first impressions you have as relates to Lowlands-L. We want to show folks
out there the diversity of membership. We do not want to impress them with
great names and achievements, just show them that virtually anyone at any
level of knowledge and experience and from any part of the world is welcome
to join us and is likely to gain something from it. If you are new to the
List, by all means, introduce yourselves and tell us what you hope to get
out of it and what your experiences have been so far. You may do so in any
language you like, do not need to write in English or in another Lowlands
language. If you do it bilingually, that would be great.

If you want to contribute introductions or translations, please send them to
me (sassisch at yahoo.com), and I will pass them on to Mathieu van Woerkom, our
webmaster who is designing a very nice new site for the occasion. We are not
concerned about duplication. If there is already a translation in your
language, please send us yours anyway. No two people tell a story exactly
alike, nor do they have exactly the same pronunciation. The main thing is
that your write and speak in a *natural* way. If you want to contribute
sound recordings, please get in touch with Henry Pijffers
(henry.pijffers at saxnot.com) who will also be happy to give you technical
advice and instructions.

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* Postings will be displayed unedited in digest form.
* Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies.
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