LL-L "Holidays" 2005.01.04 (01) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Jan 4 14:59:56 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 04.JAN.2005 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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Onderwerp: Holidays
Van: "Heinrich Becker" <Heinrich.Becker at gmx.net>

> As most of you know, I do like to engage with the foodways of the low
> countries!  Could anyone supply a recipe for "jaorskoek'n"
> With best wishes for 2005 to you all,
> Pat
> who's new year resolution is "less food : better food"
> --
> Pat Reynolds

Hi Pat,

hope, I can help you.

In my hometown Steinfurt between Münster and Dutch border there is still
a New Years event to bake "Iiserkoken" ( Iiser = from iron, koken =cake)
or in another expression "Niejohrskoken". There has been a local revival
of this very old tradition.
This event takes a whole day around New Years Eve, mostly before.

It is up to the men of to collect wood for the fireplace and to
check the old baking (or plate) irons. Baking is men's work too. The
irons usually are hand forged and were often part of the
dowry of some ancestor. The iron contains carvings with the names of the
ancestor couple and some decoration. In my parental home they still use
irons from 1832.
This custom was formerly known in different parts of Westphalia, Lower
Saxony, Twente and Drenthe in the Netherlands. In some local museums you
happen to see the tongelike baking irons, many people don't still know,
what purpose they were for.
I would like to know, if there are other aereas left who keep a
tradition like that.

The preparing of the dough is the "secret" of the housewife. The
children and visitors have to roll the dough into chesnut sized balls.

Additionally to there own needs, my family prepares some days later a
dough (see below) and visits since more than thirty years some friends
in Delden (Twente) just for a "New Years Cake Party"
(Niejohrskokenbakken). Earlier Twente had similar traditions, which got

The recipe of " NIEJOHRSKOKEN"  for the whole neighborhood

1. liquid ingrediences to be prepared at first

 500 g butter
 500 g  lard
2000 g sugar disolved in hot water, used handwarm

2. dry ingrediences to be mixed
5000 g wheat flour
100  g cinnamon powder
100  g anise seed
1/2 tablespoonful Chinese anise powder
1 teaspoon vanille flavored sugar
2 tablespoonful salt

Mix wet and dry ingrediences and knead at least 20 min. Wait three hours
to continue. Next step is rolling chesnut sized balls.
Grease the irons continuouslly with a bacon rind!

Baking a heavy job folks! BTW:Standard German is kept out during the

Heinrich Becker

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