LL-L "Resources" 2005.07.15 (02) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Fri Jul 15 16:05:10 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 15.JUL.2005 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com>
Subject: Low Saxon swadesh lists
Hi all,
I am looking for swadesh lists of dialects of Lowlands Saxon.
The "worksheet" made by Ron gives Eastern Friesland LS, Northern LS,
and Mennonite LS.
However, I am looking more for swadesh lists in the dialect of a
single town or village, even though many may be identical or at least
very similar.
http://lowlands-l.net/swadesh.htm is a good starting point -- if you
don't have a Swadesh list ready-made, it's quite easy to make one with
your own knowledge of your dialect, by translating the English,
German, or Dutch lists there.
I appreciate lists in any orthography, however to be consistent I
prefer them in ANS.
It will be best if they are sent to my private e-mail rather than to
the list (such a length may irritate people), my e-mail is
node.ue at gmail.com.
Regarding the Contact-language samples, I will make a page soon with
all of the samples I have collected so far, and when it's ready I'll
send the link to the list.
I think it would be beneficial to also have this message in Low Saxon,
but unfortunately my own Low Saxon is not quite at a good enough
level... Ron, do you think you could give a summary in Low Saxon?
(obviously the whole message doesn't need translation, just the
request part)
Mark W.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources
Hey, Mark!
> Ron, do you think you could give a summary in Low Saxon?
> (obviously the whole message doesn't need translation, just the
> request part)
Your wish is my command, pal.
Please find it below, first in AS* and then in German-based orthography.
* It's now "AS" (Algemeyne Schryvwys' "General Orthography").
I'm writing it in the first person plural (impersonating you) and in such a
way that you can use it off the List as well. (Let it not be said that I'm
not "service-oriented.")
Beste luyd',
Ik soyk na 'n Swadesh-List vun Neddersassische (Nedderduytsche,
Platduytsche) dialekten.
Up d'n "worksheet" vun Lowlands-L (http://lowlands-l.net/swadesh.htm) hebt
wy al algemeyn Oostvreyssch, Nourd-Neddersassisch un Mennonytsch. Ik bün up
listen voer enkelte dialekten uut, dialekten vun enkelte dörpen un steder.
Wen 't sükse listen al givt, den woyrd' ik Jou groten dank weten, wen Jy my
dey tou-stuyrt. Anners woyrd' ik Jou danken, wen Jy listen vun Joun
dialekten moyken, un daar koent Jy dryst mit düsse list vun Lowlands-L
an-vangen: http://lowlands-l.net/swadesh.htm. (De Ingelschen,
Nedderlandschen un Duytschen woyrd' dout Jou daar villicht helpen.)
Ik neem Joun listen up leyvst in de "Algemeyne Schryvwys'" (AS) an; dat is
oyder by 't verglyken. Man klaar, dat ik annere schryvwysen nich buten voer
laten woyrd'.
Weest so goud un stuyrt Joun listen na myn adress: node.ue at gmail.com.
Ik dank Jou nu al.
Mark Williamson, node.ue at gmail.com
Beste Lüüd,
Ik söök na 'n Swadesh-List vun neddersassische (nedderdüütsche,
plattdüütsche) Dialekten.
Up'n "worksheet" vun Lowlands-L (http://lowlands-l.net/swadesh.htm) hebt wi
al allgemeen Oostfreessch, Noordneddersassisch un Mennonietsch. Ik bün up
Listen vör enkelte Dialekten ut, Dialekten vun enkelte Dörpen un Städer.
Wenn 't sükse Listen al gifft, denn wöör ik Jo groten Dank weten, wenn Ji mi
de tostüürt. Anners wöör ik Jo danken, wenn Ji Listen vun Joon Dialekten
möken, un daar köönt Ji driest mit düsse List vun Lowlands-L anfangen:
http://lowlands-l.net/swadesh.htm. (De ingelschen, nedderlandschen un
düütschen Wöör doot Jo daar villicht helpen.)
Ik nehm Joon Listen upleefst in de "Allgemene Schrievwies'" (AS) an; dat is
öder bi 't verglieken. Man klaar, dat ik annere Schrievwiesen nich buten vör
laten wöör.
Weest so goot un stüürt Joon Listen na mien Adress: node.ue at gmail.com.
Ik dank Jo nu al.
Mark Williamson,
node.ue at gmail.com
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