LL-L "Music" 2005.06.06 (01) [E]

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Mon Jun 6 14:33:48 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 06.JUN.2005 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: "Arthur Jones" <arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Music 2005.06.05 [E]

Hello Leeglanners!

Ten or twelve days ago (time enough for a world of fast food to course
through the Speiseroehre of Lowlands-L), there was a brief exchange among
some of yez mates --Ben, Thomas, Johnny, Gabriele, Tom, Jaqueline, Herr
Prof. Dr. Dr. Szelog, and Ron, perhaps others-- about the origins of musical
instruments and ancient Germanic music, inter alia.

I missed that entire episode because I'm a dullard by nature and very slow
on the uptake. Not that I would have had much to add, but I did want to say
that Germanic tribes apparently had bagpipes as early as the fourth century
A.D. The Roman Senator, Sidonius Appollinaris, referred to the Gothic music
_loud, full of shouting _hails_ and _let us dance, drink and sing!_

Sidonius added that the Court of Theodoric at Ravenna was, by comparison
with earlier Goths, rather sedate, and that the usual _hydraulic organs_ of
soldiers (he is obviously referring to bagpipes, not to Viagra-reiks and his
hydraulic organ), were not at the Ravenna Court, nor were the common retinue
of _guitar players_. Herwig Wolfram, History of the Goths, pp. 208,209.

Peter Heather, in The Goths, also refers to Gothic bards playing
multi-stringed instruments similar to Roman guitars (in ihrer damaligen
Gestaltung), as opposed to the Gaulish musicians who played lyres or harps.

Both Green and Burns, in their books about ancient Germans, present
well-referenced textual evidence of Gothic -and Northwest Germanic- music
being totally different from their epic poetry, and that the favoured
instruments were lute-like, or guitarish (?) stringed instruments, as well
as bagpipes.

All four of those authors also consider the possibility that prior to the
Goths leaving the region stretching from present-day Sydslesvig (Hamburg
ade!) to Danzig, the cultural exchanges with Celts were very extensive;
hence it would have been plausible for both groups to have adopted musical
fashions as well as instruments from one another.

Incidentally, one author suggests that Germanic tribes, not Gaulic Celts,
invented soap; this conclusion is based on both linguistic as well as
archaeological evidence. The recent find of Celtic coins near Utrecht could
thus be explained by the Gauls coming to Lowlands to buy soap. Which they in
turn sold to the Romans. ;-)

Met vriendelijk Groeten,

arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com

_It is never inappropriate to speak of nihilism.
---- Othmar (4th Century Ostrogoth).

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