LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.05.08 (07) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Jun 8 22:35:36 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 08.JUN.2005 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.05.08 (02) [D/E]
Hi all,
Steve, a few comments on your posting:
I understand Standaard speaking Nederlanders quite well, and vice versa,
I speak a slower Afrikaans. Of course it sometimes requires that I have to
ask a
speaker to repeat what was said a bit more 'langzaam' and then understanding
flows quite well, despite the sometime puzzled look about the tongue that
I'm speaking.
The reason for me perhaps understanding 'better' could relate to having had
Dutch training in grammer, diachronical studies and literature. Our high
schools and
universities used to (and might still) include Nederlands in Afrikaans
When writing, Nederlanders have no problem understanding my Afrikaans or I
Elsie Zinsser
[The article explained that the South Africans and the Dutch swimming team
against which they were competing ended up using English as their lingua
franca due to the difficulty in understanding each other's spoken language.
I find the whole thing quite interesting! Any comments would be much
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