LL-L "Idiomatica" 2005.03.27 (01) [E]
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Sun Mar 27 19:44:15 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 27.MAR.2005 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: "Mike Morgan" <Mike.Morgan at mb3.seikyou.ne.jp>
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2005.03.09 (03) [E]
> We mak 'em, you tak 'em.
Sorry if this thread is old, but I just this morning (oops; yesterday
morning, as it is now already in the a.m. again) got back from the southern
parts of Viá»t Nam, but in (partial) response to Ben's query as to what the
other branches do with decisions,
1) Slavic has, e.g.:
a) Russian пÑинÑÑÑ ÑеÑение /prinjat' reÅ¡enie/ and
b) Bulgarian вземам ÑеÑение /vzemam reÅ¡enie/, both more or less
"TAKE a decision" (though пÑинÑÑÑ is a more abstract take than
вземам), but also
c) BSC (Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian) has don(j)eti odluku which is literally
"BRING a decision"
(Sorry my West Slavic is mostly passive, so I wouldn't want to give much
credence to it, but I THINK Polish also has pryï½ Ä
2) Indic has e.g.:
Nepali निशà¥à¤à¤¯ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨à¥ /niÅcay garnu/, etc. "MAKE a
etc. and
similarly in other North Indic languages (or at least Hindi-Urdu, Maithili,
and Bengali, which I am most familiar with) as well (as adding "make" is the
general way to turn (abstract) nouns into verbs -- albeit in "Muslim"
languages like Urdu the (abstract) noun comes from Arabic or Persian rather
than Sanskrit, as is the case in Nepali et al.)
3) Iranic has e.g.:
Kirmanji (N Kurdish) biryar girtin "TAKE a decision" (possibly also
influenced by Turkish which also has karar almak "ditto")
4) Celtic has e.g.:
a) P Celtic, e.g. Cymraeg (aka Welsh -- Walloon by another name?) gwneud
pederfyniad "MAKE a decision", and
b) Q Celtic as well I would hazard to guess, though my knowledge of the
Gaelics is much tơ passive to be sure (I beleive though you "déanamh" a
So, if we add Spanish tomar un decisión and also Catalan prendre un
decisió -- both "TAKE" -- for Romance and Dutch een beslissing nemen and
"British" English take a decision -- also "TAKE" -- for Germanic on the one
hand vs Amero-Scottish English "make a decision" also for Germanic on the
other, it would sêm that the "takes" have it, with "makes" a clear second
(though a double google search of English came up with a mere 175 thousand
pages with "take a decision" vs 1.61 million with "make a decision" --
roughly 10 times as many).
Mike Morgan
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