LL-L "History" 2005.05.11 (03) [E/German]
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Wed May 11 14:38:42 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 11.MAY.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: History
Dear Lowlanders,
special the Anglo-Saxons amongst you I'd like to adress!
In my intentions to write a chronicle about my home village/home region
(near the Elbe-estuary) I found out some facts I don't understand. Perhaps
there are people able to help me to enlighten the backgrounds.
After there had been the (partly) exodus of the Saxons, Jutes and Anglians
to the British Islands, many settlings, in special of our region, between
the mouthes of the rivers Elbe and Weser, became vasted. In spite of that I
tend to assume, that the greater part of those tribes still remained in
their homelands.
This happened at the 4./5., perhaps 6. century p.c.n.
Landing on Europe's largest island they obviously found a misorganized and
somewhat backyard land, after the Romans had withdrawn from 'Lundinium'.
Roman structures and social influence had been too dominating for some
centuries, and a vacuum had spread.
The new immigrants at that time already were high-developed, for Germanic
norms, and gained a foothold in a short time. They made their fortunes
there, and obviously got to a somewhat higher rank of culture than their
brothers and sisters they had left in continental Europe.
Though- at that time the 'deplorable' rest of the Saxon tribe perhaps was
the mightiest force and unity in the Middle-Europe-area, also in some
aspects of their culture (specially in farming) as well as in their tactic
to fight.
So far - so good.
At the same times christianity was spreading; in the German area it came in
special from the south, from the abbey of Mainz.
But- those missionares found their limits at the Saxon/Frisian borders.
This lasted (and went on) until Bonifatius came to the scene- born in 672
in Exeter, with his first name Wynfreth. He was very famous; every German of
the Northern regions (still in our days) has to learn that it was him to cut
down the holy 'Donar-Eiche' ('Oak of God Donar'), without being punished by
the Germanic Gods.
BTW: he was killed by the Frisians in 754 at Dokkum.
But- the Frisians haven't been the last to accept christian believe and
behaviour- it were the (continental) Saxons still going on in believing in
their old mythology, and they kept on this until they were forced to let
themselves baptize after they were defeated by Charlemagne.
Another very famous and mighty missionar coming from Britain was Willehad.
He was elected as the first bishop of Bremen at 767 (even today adored and
revered as a man of justice, power and goodness), by protégé of 'Charley',
of course. And lots of his countrymen had been missionares in Northern
Germany in the meantimes and did follow him.
But- those heathen Saxons in the edge of Northern Germany even now wouldn't
give up their old Gods, and this lasted, more or less, until the 12./13.
Even in a document of a.d. 1708 you'll find:
*§. 2. Ist demnach zu wissen/ daß die alten Kedinger Friesischer nation
(...) und von den alten Sachsen herstammende (....) ihre Freyheit (...)
aufs äusserste verthädiget/ und so gar keines andern Oberhand oder
Herrschafft haben leiden wollen/ daß sie nicht einmal das geistliche Joch
ihres ordentlichen Landes=Herren ertragen könnten...
Luneberg Mushard:
"Denckmahl der uhralten / berühmten Hochadelichen Geschlechter / .
Ritterschaft im Herzogthum Bremen und Verden /..
(Anno 1708)*
*§. 2. You have to know, that the old Kedinger, descending from the Frisians
and Saxons (...) defended their freedom in an outstanding way and that they
did'nt accept someone getting the upperhand or reign; they even could'nt
bear the clerical yoke of their regular regent [added by author: he refers
to, since the 12. century, the archbishop of Bremen]...
Author: Luneberg Mushardt
"Monument of the ancient, famous noble families,... knightship in the duchy
of Bremen and Verden... (Anno 1708)*
My question: why did the Britannic Germanic people accept the Christian
believe and philosophies so much earlier and obviously easier as their
relatives in the 'Old World' at the same times? They even seem to have been
enthusiastic to convent their relatives, and of course at those times there
were no problems with the language.
Were they forced to demarcate themselves against the native inhabitants of
the British island?
In some aspects I guess it even anyhow similar to the religious relations
between U.S.-America and Europe of today, though there only have been Graham
Greene and George Bush jun. coming from the other side of the Atlantic to
re-christianize Europe.
Perhaps in reminiscense to the times of the knights-of-the-cross ;-)?
Thank You for Your answers 'in spe'!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
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