LL-L "Delectables" 2005.05.13 (06) [E/LS]
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Fri May 13 23:10:10 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 13.MAY.2005 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2005.05.13 (03) [E/S]
Hi you hungry bunch!
All this talk about mutton fat, beef suet, tarts and pies reminded me of
an uncle of mine who touted a mixture of bacon drippings and treacle as
the ideal "schmear" for toast at breakfast time. Grrrrr!. And yes Ron:
Wat de boer niet kent dat eet hij niet! Jacqueline
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2005.05.13 (03) [E/S]
Dag, Reynhard,
Du schreyvst:
> As far as this _tal(li)g_ / _Talg_ (tallow, suet) on bread thing goes, an
> old-timer recently confirmed that it did occur and that, no, it was not
> lard
> or drippings, though these were eaten too, were considered treats,
> comparatively speaking ...
Ick hevv noch Lüüd kennt, de drunken 'smonnens een lüttje Tass' Talli vöör
jemmer Arbeyd!! Dat weern de 'Kleigroovers' ('clay-diggers'; they made the
ditches in the marshlands), un' de bruuken eynfach de Kalorien föör jemmer
swore Arbeyd.
Un- wenn 's denn in jemmer Hannen speyen ('to spit') deen, hannen 's ook
gliek Talli an dennen Schüffelsteel ('handle of their spade') un' kreegen ne
sou licht Elen ('blisters) un' Schwiel'n ('hornies').
Man- wat dat al de Woorheid ('truth') weer, wat's mii vertellt hevvt...?
> I also wonder if this is due to North Germans being traditionally more
> _kruysch_, i.e., "picky," afraid of tasting new foods. (_Wat de buer nich
> kent, dat vrit hey nich_ "The peasant won't eat what he doesn't know.") I
> know this sounds really stereotypical, and these days it is overly
> stereotypical, but I found it to be very widespread in Northern Germany
Un' dat is opp'n platten Lannen meist noch jümmer sou!
Van de oulen Lüüd weyt ick noch, wat de tou fröhern Tiiden opp'n Hoff tou
eeten kreegen:
'smonnens Melksopp mit Mehlklüten ('dumpling, made of flour'), mennigmool
ook Beestmelk-Kouken (a sort of cake made from the cow's first melk-
brrr...) doorin;
'smiddoogs Mehlklüten mit fetten Speck or 'n düchdig Fatstück van 'n Ossen;
'soobends Mehlklüten, de in Ossentalli broot' (baked) weer'n!
Uut 'n Chrounic van ca. 1850 weyt ick, wat de Knechen ('farmhands) un
Köökschen ('female cook', but used for all female employees) oppe Maarsch
ook gonnix anners hebben wull'n. Kortüffeln möögn's tou no ne, weer'n jem
tou 'neumoud'sch'.
Wat 'se ook ne möögen deen (obschounst se dat ook fooken eeten müssen),wöör
'Jüchen', 'n Oort 'Eynputt' (G: 'Eintopf', all ingredients cooked together
in one pott) uut Steekröv'n (a special, yellow root) , Wuddeln ('carots')
un woll ook all Kortüffeln; door tou wat Royker-Fleysch ('smoked meat') van
't Swiin or van 'n Ossen. De Grund: meerstendeels wöörn door all tou veel
Mooden ('magots') binnen.
Man- dat Eeten haar jümmer Knööv ('it was very substantial' wordly:
'strenghth'), un' de hungerige'n Geestlüüd (poorer people from the
sorrounding, sandy soil) weyrn niidsch ('jealous') opp jem.
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
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