LL-L "Etymology" 2005.05.18 (09) [E]

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Wed May 18 23:22:34 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 18.MAY.2005 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.05.18 (06) [D/E]

Dear all:

With regard to n-deletion and my original mention of _us_ for "our" in
Nottingham English as an example of Dutch or Zeeuws influence - I was not
trying to say it was a borrowing from either, but that it developed (or
survived) alongside.

I do not believe personal pronouns are generally borrowed, or lent.

Go raibh maith agaibh,



From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.05.17 (07) [A/D/E/F]

Dear Ron,

you posted:

> Jonny (above):
> > What about 'Maand'/'Mound' (moon)??
> Well, the rule doesn't apply in English, Scots and Frisian either, and
> they
> are clearly ingveonic: E. "moon" / "month", S. _muin_ / _month_, W.F.
> _moanne_ / _moanne_.
> OE _mona_ / _monðe_, OF _môna_ / _mônath_, OS _mâno_ / _mânuth_, OG _mâno_
> /
> _mânod_, ON _máni_ / _ mánuðr_.
> So the rule did not apply because there was an intervening vowel.  Hah!

Hah! I like this 'Hah!', because it shows your flames still burning for
linguistic matters. Hold fast and keep on!

BTW: Very interesting for me, your explanation above.


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Moyen, Jonny!

> Hah! I like this 'Hah!', because it shows your flames still burning for
> linguistic matters. Hold fast and keep on!

Thanks ... I think.  (Or were you trying to make me sound like I'm ancient
and on my last leg?)  The flames have been burning -- well, at least the
ambers have been glowing -- for far too long to fear extinguishing prior to
extinction.  In my opinion, there is no danger of losing your interest in
language if every new day you are in awe of the miracle all over again.
(The Zen of Language?)  We would have a lot more passengers on our
_Narrenship_ if fewer people would take language for granted, if fewer
people would see language as a limitation rather than as a glorious,
inexhaustible gift.  And what do we care if people think we should "get a
life"?  Right?

Groyten in 't huus!


"Junge", sagte der gute alte Mond, "hast du noch nicht genug?" "Nein!"
schrie der kleine Häwelmann, "mehr, mehr!"
                    [Theodor Storm, _Der kleine Häwelmann_]

"Jung", seed' de goude olde maand, "hest noch nich noug?" "Nee!" schreyg' de
lütte Hibbelman, "meyr, meyr!"

"Jung", sä de gode ole Maand, "hest noch nich noog?" "Nee!" schreeg de lütte
Hibbelmann, "mehr, mehr!"

"Jung", sajde de goode oole Mon, "hast du noch nich jenuach?" "Nä!" belkjde
de kjleene Hebbelmaunn, "mea, mea!"

"Pûsilîn", kwêthade the gôde alde mâno, "haƀest thû noh ne ginôg?" "Nên!"
skrîde the luttike Hebelman, "mêr, mêr!"

"Boy", said the good old moon, "don't you have enough yet?" "No!" screamed
little Hibbleman, "more, more!"

"Lad", sayed the guid auld muin, "hae ye na enouch yit?" "Nay!" screicht wee
Hubbleman, "mair, mair!"

"Knaue", sayde the gode olde mone, "hastow not ynow yit?" "Nay!" yellede
lytel Hubbelman, "mo, mo!"

"Knafa", âcweðade se gôda ealda mâna, "hafast þú nâ genôg giet?" "Nâ!"
hrôpade l‎ýtele Hibelmon, "mâ, mâ!"

"Knapa", quethede the gôda alda môna, "habbast thû ne enôg jêta?" "Nâ!"
skrîde the lîtike Hebelmann, "mâr, mâr!"

"Jongen," zei de goede oude maan, heeft je nog niet genoeg?" "Nee!"
schreeuwde de kleine Hibbelman, "meer, meer"!

"Seun," sê die goeë ouë maan, het jy nog nie genoeg nie?" "Nee!" schreeu die
kleine Hibbelman, "meer, meer"!

"Knapo," seggede thia guoda alda mâno, hebbest thû noh niewiht genug"?
"Nên!" luode thia luttike Hebbelman, "mêro, mêro"!

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