LL-L "Beliefs" 2005.11.14 (02) [E]
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Mon Nov 14 16:13:19 UTC 2005
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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14 November 2005 * Volume 02
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.11.12 (05) [E]
Hello Anette
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" ?????
I wonder how to respond to this, because it can be done in two ways.
1. The Biblical (LW - _not_ Scriptural).
This 'African' association with 'Negro' is irrelevant. Actually, all
Negros are descended from Ham, third son of Noah, who cursed him and doomed
him & all his line to dark skin & servility for exposing him in his
nakedness. Herewith I have seriously annoyed doctrinaire Jews,
Anthropologists, Geneticists, Christians, Hamites, Africans & Negroes all in
Also, I hope, passed on the lesson that the 'Translated' Bible is not
reliable as an anthropological text (but it is astonishingly helpful, even
Incidentally, I hold to the belief that the Scriptures & Science are
both correct, but that we do not yet know enough or understand enough of
what we know of either to make the connections. One day we will know: We
will ALL know, totally, even as we are known, & it is worth waiting &
witholding judgement, even for seventy years, to get THAT secret.
2. The Scientific (LW - _not_ {in every respect}correct).
Actually we are all African in origin, but our roots go back to a time
before pigmentation became a characteristic of individual races. The oldest
surviving human race in Africa & the World, but almost certainly not the
original one, is the Bushman. They say there is more genetic diversity in
one Bushman clan than it the totality of humanity throughout the rest of the
Bushmen are light-skinned, but instead of flesh-toned they are pale
ochre-toned. If they are never exposed to raw sunlight they never get dark.
They are as light as Samoyeds. When & where they are exposed to raw sunlight
they immediately start a perfect mahogany tan, not patches or spots like our
freckles, but totally, evenly, & without burning or peeling; lucky buggers,
& of course no skin cancer. This & other noteworthy adaptations to African
environment that they have also indicate a long tenure on this continent. We
also have the power to tan, but owing perhaps to erratic exposure &
intermittent need the ability has atrophied to some extent.
The African Negro is a young race, quite possibly the youngest, & very
young. His black skin is a relatively new development, genetically speaking;
an adaptation & needless to say an excellent one. The pigmentation shields
the subcutaneous flesh from ultra-violet rays that would otherwise
ultimately destroy the organism. Zebu cattle & the Saharan race of dromedary
both developed the same black pigmentation, under a white pelt, to the same
good purpose. If the Ozone Layer is ever totally stripped off our Earth, the
survivors of Humananity will be numbered among the Negros.
More than this, the boffins tell us there are a variety of genetic
devices to achieve melanism (black skin). Africa itself is mother to two.
East African races & West African races have different origins to their dark
skins, & genetic factors betray this difference. Other unique forms of
melanism are to be found in the natives of Melanesia, which probably would
include the Andaman Islanders, & another different form among the Australian
Aborigine, most purely represented among the Bindibu. The Australid is
reportedly most closely related to the proto-Caucasians: That brings them
pretty close to the Ainu of Japan, & incidentall to us.
Incidentally, what on Earth has language got to do with this?
> Actually we aren't African in origin. If we were African, all our skin
> color would be dark, not varied from white to black. Originally we all
> came from Adam and Eve, and after all the wicked people were drowned, we
> all descended from Noah, and were scattered all over the world from the
> Tower of Babel which was located somewhere in Mesopatamia. When people
> scattered from the Tower of Babel, it's only natural that there were
> pockets intended to go to Asia, that wound up in Northern Europe, and
> consequently those who would have gone to Europe, traveling to the Far
> East. That might account for isolated language varieties.
From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.11.12 (06) [E]
Dear Ron
Subject: Language varieties
> All right, all right, dearest Lowlanders! With all due respect and
> affection to all of you, I will have to play the party pooper here before
> we go places we ought not be at.
Apologies - I blew off before I saw your Missive.
From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.11.13 (02) [E]
Isaac wrote:
> ...Well, anything's possible, right? Perhaps those intended to become
> were chosen by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Touched by His Noodly
> as it were.
Nope, you're thinking of the Italians here. Those intended to become Saami
were touched by the Global Reindeer. :-))
Gabriele Kahn
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