LL-L "Etymology" 2005.10.08 (05) [D/E]

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 08 October 2005 * Volume 05

From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.10.08 (03) [D/E]

Ron and Floor Re your candid candy conversation:

> And then there's "candy."  It's related to German _Kandis_ or
> _Kandiszucker_, in some areas _Kandelzucker_ (_Zucker_ 'sugar').  The
> German
> word(s) and originally also the English word mean "crystallized sugar"
> (but in American English extended to "sweets").  In the early days
> after its adoption in German-speaking areas, it was known as
> _Zuckerkandi(t)_, and in
> some dialects it is still known as _Zuckerkand(is)_.  Most Low Saxon
> dialects of Germany have adopted the German words, but in Eastern
> Friesland
> it is known by an unrelated word (though semantically related one, as we
> will see later): _kluntje_ ~ _klüntje_, which I assume alludes to pieces
> or
> lumps.

I used to hear the adults around me speaking of a "Kusken in de pap"
It is supposed to mean something like "an unexpected benefit, a boon".
I do not know whether the word kusken means lump or lump of sugar.

Ik wou het alleen maar weten. Jacqueline

Het Nederlands kent ook het woord kandijsuiker, dan gaat het om van die
grote bruine kristallen. Een suikerklontje of klontje (inderdaad in de
betekenis van een stukje) is kubus- of balkvormig stukje aan elkaar geplakte
witte kristalsuiker.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Hey, Jacqueline!

About that _Fingerlutscher_ ... Another way of saying it in German is 
_Daumenlutscher_ "thumb sucker."

> I used to hear the adults around me speaking of a "Kusken in de pap"
> It is supposed to mean something like "an unexpected benefit, a boon".
> I do not know whether the word kusken means lump or lump of sugar.

I bet you it's a lump of sugar in the porridge/gruel.  Isn't _kusken_ an old 
and/or dialectical equivalent of _kusje_ (diminutive of _kus_ 'kiss')?




   Wanneer ick slaep, voel ick mijns levens vreucht
   Als my de droom van mijns liefs schijn verheucht.
   Als sy my van haer mont
   Een KUSKEN jont
   Waermede sy my stelt
   Vast in haer ghewelt.
   Waermede sy my stelt ghevanghen
   O slaep o soete slaep duert langhe.

   Als ick ontwaeck soeck ick tverloren goet
   Twelc my verlaet en volg de slaep met spoet
   En laet my alleen maer
   Dencken op haer
   Die mijn vry ghemoet
   Door haer ooghen soet
   Die mijn vry ghemoet hout neder
   O slaep O soete slaep comt weder.

   Ick waeck ick droom ic sie haer nacht en dach
   Ick maeck my wijs tgeen dat niet wesen en mach
   Nochtans dees dwaling soet
   Mijn leven voet
   Want sy teghens sin
   Van die ick bemin
   Want sy teghens sin my haer maect
   O slaep o soete slaep die dit waer maect.



_Eerste (-Tweede) Nieu Amoreus Lied-Boeck_. Amstelredam, 1605. pp. 131-132

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