LL-L "History" 2005.10.11 (01) [E/LS]
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Tue Oct 11 08:04:54 UTC 2005
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 10 October 2005 * Volume 05
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2005.10.10 (01) [E]
Dear Ron,
you wrote:
> Bishop Ansgar (~ Anskar ~
> Oskar, 801-865), Norman-French by birth (Amien),
Norman-French already? And christianized? You're confusing me: the Normandy
itself didn't exist at that time; it was founded at 911. Or had there
already been a Normannic influenced population more than a hundred years
before? I always thought there just had taken place several Vicing-raids on
this French region beyond the tenth century?
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History
Moyen, leyve Jonny!
Ik wul man bloots maal seyn of Du an 't up-passen büst. Check. ;-)
Of course you are right, caught me performing mental somersaults. I was off
both regarding time and place. (Just checking if everyone's paying
attention.) As you said, the Normans did their thing to the French about a
century later. Besides, Amien isn't in Normandy but in Picardy. Many say
Ansgar was born in Amien, and that may not be correct either, for others say
that he became a Benedictine in Amien but was most likely born in or near
Corbie, also in Picardy.
So, Ansgar was supposedly a Picard, though some sources say he was
"Frankish." But how did he come by that name (~ Oscar)? * Besides, assuming
his native language was Old Picard (a _Langue d'Oïl_) and like all clerics
was proficient in Latin, how did he cope in his job as "Apostle of the
North"? Did he learn the local languages or didn't he bother and instead
conducted all business with the middle management in Latin? Before he was
posted to Hamburg he stayed with the King of Denmark for three years, and
due to business being slow there went on to Sweden. I wonder if he at least
tried to learn the languages. Most of his life he lived in Bremen, and he
also died there. May we assume that he eventually learned Saxon? Does
anyone know?
* Ansgar -- later also German Oskar and in other languages Oscar -- comes
from Old Norse Asgeirr, from _as_ 'Ase (god)' and _geirr_ 'spear'. I
believe this tripped me up.
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